公卫百科 >> 暴露交叉设计 >> 历史版本
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暴露交叉设计(exposure-crossover design)是由Donald A. Redelmeier在Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 66 (2013) 955-963中的一篇题为“The exposure-crossover design is a new method for studying sustained changes in recurrent events”论文中首次提出的一种新的流行病学研究设计,主要用于研究某一暴露是否与某一重复事件的发生相关。

The exposure-crossover design adopts the individual perspective to examine whether a specific exposure changed a person’s risks of a recurrent outcome. The exposure can be a medication, procedure, or other intervention with a documented start date and somewhat ongoing effects. The outcome can be any event, that is, recurrent, relapsing, or otherwise repeated with a documented time for each occurrence. ... the analysis would evaluate whether patient outcome rates are different before and after the exposure.

The intent of the design is to test for a potential link between exposure and outcome. The name is selected to convey a notion that each patient serves as their own control and undergoes observation during a time with an exposure and a time without an exposure.


Redelmeier, Donald A. "The exposure-crossover design is a new method for studying sustained changes in recurrent events." Journal of clinical epidemiology (2013).