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吉林省疾病预防控制中心\吉林省卫生监测检验中心(以下简称“中心”),是由政府组建的实施省级疾病预防控制与公共卫生技术管理和服务的公益事业单位。其前身为吉林省卫生防疫站,始建于1953年,2001年更名中心。中心在省委、省政府的亲切关怀下,在省卫生厅的直接领导下,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持以科学发展观统领疾病预防控制工作。始终坚持把保障人民群众健康权益、提高疾病预防控制能力、成功处置突发公共卫生应急事件能力、完善管理体系建设、提高业务人员素质和加强防控设施、设备和人力资源建设放在首位。目前,中心的科学发展与公共服务能力、疾病防控与应急处置能力、人员素质与科技创新能力、检测检验与质量控制能力全面提升。     公卫百科



“立足发展,开拓创新,以人为本、构建和谐” 是本届中心领导班子树立的工作理念。人才培养和科技创新作为中心发展的基础,得到明显加强。中心现有编制261人,实有人数259人。内设28个科室,其中业务科室21个,职能科室7个。专业技术人员199人,副高级以上职称占42%,大学本科以上学历占67.19%,高于全国平均水平。截至2008年底,中心享受国务院特殊津贴3人,国家级专家委员会委员3人,政府拔尖创新人才3人,省高级专家1人,省有突出贡献的中青年专业技术人才3人,国家CDC突发公共卫生应急专家5人。2003年以来,获得科研成果奖20项。其中,省科技进步二等奖1项、省科技进步三等奖12项、中华医学科技一等奖1项、省医学科技一等奖2项、二等奖4项;承担科研项目26项。其中,国家级项目7项、省部级项目9项、市厅级项目10项;发表国家级科研论文350余篇,其中SCI论文5篇。 公卫百科

中心坚持以履行省级疾病预防控制基本职责为己任,以提高公共服务质量和保障全省人民群众身体健康为宗旨,全面开展以提高疾病预防控制能力为核心的各项建设。中心现有办公面积19028平方米,其中实验楼11417平方米,行政楼5879平方米。截至2008年底,实验室装备各种仪器设备95大类别,500余台件,设备资产总值4000余万元。建有菌种室5个,危险品库1个,洁净实验室10个,生物安全二级实验室22个,生物安全三级实验室1个。完成职责应承担的标准检验项目305项,病毒、微生物、理化、毒理、艾滋病等检验项目位居国家先进水平。 公卫人

政府对公共卫生事业的关注和支持,为疾病预防控制工作的发展带来难得的机遇,社会和公众对公共卫生服务质量的更高要求,使疾病预防控制工作面临新的挑战。面对机遇和挑战,中心坚持把消除健康危害因素作为公共卫生服务重点,积极开展食品污染物监测、环境卫生监测、医药工业洁净室(区)监测、杀虫与灭鼠监测、生活饮用水检测检验、保健食品检测检验、化妆品检测检验、消毒产品检测检验、涉水产品检测检验等服务项目。中心获得中国合格评定国家认可委员会认可/计量认证检验项目652项,有力的保障了公共卫生服务质量和服务水平。几年来,中心年均受理监测检验样品和发出监测检验报告1000余份,极大的满足了全省公共卫生服务需求。 公卫家园





General Situation of Jilin Provincial Center


for Disease Control and Prevention   


Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control/Jilin Provincial Center for Health Surveillance and Test (abbreviated as JPCDC hereinafter) is a social commonweal enterprise organization founded by Jilin provincial government. The predecessor of JPCDC was set up in 1953 and had been called Jilin Provincial Health and Anti-epidemic Station until 2001. Under the cordial care and support of Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Government and the direct leadership of Jilin Provincial Health Bureau, JPCDC has been taking Deng Xiaoping theory and “three representatives” thought as guidance and carrying out scientific development outlook to direct disease prevention and control work. Protecting people’s health, enhancing disease control and outburst event treatment capacity, perfecting administrative system construction, raising professional accomplishment and consolidating disease control facilities and equipment and man power construction are always prioritized. At present, JPCDC capacity for scientific development and public services, disease control and outburst event treatment, worker’s accomplishment and scientific innovation and surveillance and test and quality control has been comprehensively enhanced.


JPCDC undertakes seven main functions and tasks: Disease prevention and control; Outburst public health event treatment; epidemic situation and information administration on health related factors; health threatened factor surveillance and control; lab test analysis and evaluation; health education and promotion and technical guidance and applied research. According to the demands of basic functions, JPCDC is developing a full scale work and its working progress has entered a scientific, orderly and standardized way.


The working notion set up by JPCDC leading group is “based on development, opening up and innovation, keeping people as the base and constructing harmony” and the basic work of personal training and scientific and technical innovation in JPCDC has been greatly improved. Nowadays, 261 establishment is authorized and 259 workers including 199 professionals (associate senior doctors or above account for 42 % and graduates with bachelor degree or above account for 67.19 %, which is higher than national average level) are on the regular payroll and there are 28 sections and offices in JPCDC, thereinto, 21 professional sections, 7 functional offices. By the end of 2008, 3 professionals gained national state council special awards, 3 professionals become the members of national expert committee, 3 professionals become provincial level top-notch personnel, 1 professional becomes provincial level senior experts, 3 professionals become middle and young aged qualified personnel for prominent contribution and 5 persons become public health emergency experts of China CDC. Since 2003, 20 scientific research awards have been gained, including 1 provincial second level scientific and technical progress award, 12 provincial third level scientific and technical progress awards, 1 Chinese medicine first level scientific and technical award, 2 provincial first level medical scientific and technical awards and 4 provincial second level medical scientific and technical awards. Additionally, JPCDC is implementing 26 scientific research projects including 7 national level projects, 9 provincial and ministry level projects 10 municipal and bureau level projects. 350 scientific papers have been published in national level journals including 5 SCI papers. 公卫人

JPCDC will firmly perform provincial disease prevention and control responsibilities and strengthen comprehensive disease prevention and control capacity construction, aiming at enhancing public health services quality and protecting people’s health of Jilin province. The office area of JPCDC covers 19028 square meters, including a 11417 square meter laboratory building and a 5879 square meter administration building. By the end of 2008, labs are equipped with 500 facilities and apparatus (95 kinds) costing 40 million RMB YUAN. There are 5 bacteria genus labs, 1 perilous article storeroom, 10 lustration labs, 1 BSL-3 and 22 BSL-3.    305 standard test items can be completed and virus, microbe, physical and chemical, toxicology and HIV test labs have been up to national standards. 公卫家园

The government’s attention to public health cause will bring an uncommon chance to develop disease prevention and control cause and the higher quality demands for public health service among society and public mass will make JPCDC meet a new challenge in the field of disease prevention and control. Facing chances and challenges, JPCDC will continue to take eliminating health related risk factors as a key work of public health services and develop food infectant and environmental hygienic surveillance, medical industrial clean room (area) surveillance, pesticide and rodenticide test, drinking water quality test, health care food test, cosmetic test, disinfection product test and water related product test and so on. Approved by national certification committee of Chinese Eligibility Committee, JPCDC is qualified to complete 652 test items, which will ensure the public health services quality and level. In recent years, JPCDC could accept 1000 samples and issue 1000 test reports annually to meet the demands of public health services in Jilin province.


JPCDC will keep on the banner of scientific development outlook and carry out basic responsibilities,strengthen capacity construction and performance examination work to enhance the professional level and public services quality in order to  realize the strategic objectives of “Health 2020” and make great contributions for the purpose of protecting people’s health, promoting economic development and constructing  harmonious society. 公卫百科





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