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方敏 1966年1月出生,免疫学专业博士,华中科技大学同济医学院免疫学教研室副教授,硕士研究生导师。1989年7月获武汉同济医科大学医学学士学位;1996年7月获武汉同济医科大学免疫学专业硕士学位;2002年5月—2005年5月:德国Duesseldorf大学免疫学研究所攻读博士学位,获免疫学专业博士学位。1996年7月—1999年8月:武汉同济医科大学基础医学院免疫学教研室助教,讲师;1999年8月—2000年8月:维也纳大学医学院外科研究所访问学者。2005年5月-至今华中科技大学同济医学院免疫学教研室副教授。




学术兼职:中国免疫学会青年委员会委员;中德医学会会员。 公卫百科

在研课题项目:目前作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金一项(2008.1~2010.12):(No.30772039)SOCS与IDO对移植排斥反应中Th17细胞的调节机制。参与国家自然基金-广东联合基金重点项目(2009-2011): 输注供者凋亡细胞抗器官移植排斥反应的机制研究;参与科技部“973”项目(2007CB512402):自身免疫反应的模式识别分子机制及其对自身免疫反应的影响。近期发表主要论著:


1.Hong Dai, Huifeng Zhu, Ping Lei, Hideo Yagita, Jing Liu, Xue Wen, Wei Zhou, Feili Gong , Guanxin Shen *, Min Fang *( * 通讯作者). PD-1 signaling is essential for the skin allograft protection by alternatively activated dendritic cell infusion in mice. Transplantation (In press).


2. Yuan CL, Xu JF, Tong J, Yang H, He FR, Gong Q, Xiong P, Duan L, Fang M, Tan Z, Xu Y, Chen YF, Zheng F, Gong FL. B7-H4 transfection prolongs beta-cell graft survival. Transpl Immunol. 2009;21:143-149. 公卫人

3. Guang Yu, Hong Dai, Jie Chen, Lihua Duan, Min Gong, Li Liu, Ping Xiong, Cong-Yi Wang , Min Fang*( * 通讯作者) and Feili Gong*.  Gene delivery of IDO prolongs cardiac allograft survival by shaping the types of T-cell responses. J. Gene Med. 2008; 10: 754-761


4. Guang Yu, Min Fang*( * 通讯作者),  Min Gong, Li Liu, Jixin Zhong, Wei Feng, Ping Xiong, Cong-Yi Wang, and Feili Gong*. Steady state dendritic cells with forced IDO expression induce skin allograft tolerance by upregulation of regulatory T cells. Transplant Immunology 2008; 18: 208-219


5. Gong Q, Yin H, Fang M, Xiang Y, Yuan CL, Zheng GY, Yang H, Xiong P, Chen G*, Gong FL*, Zheng F. Heme oxygenase-1 upregulation significantly inhibits TNF-α and Hmgb1 releasing and attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice. International immunopharmacology.2008;8:792–798.


6.Huang YF, Yin H, Han JY, Huang BJ,Xu JF, Zheng F, Fang M., Wang CY, Gong FL.Extracellular Hmgb1 functions as an innate immune mediator implicated in murine cardiac allograft acute rejection. American Journal of Transplantation. 2007; 7(2): 293-302.


7. Xu JF, Huang BJ, Yin H, Xiong P, Feng W, Xu Y, Fang M, Zheng F, Wang CY,Gong FL. A limited course of soluble CD83 delays acute cellular rejection of MHC-mismatched mouse skin allograft. Transplant international. 2007, 20(3):266-76


8.Huang B.J., Yin H., Huang Y.F., Xu J.F., Xiong P., Feng W., Zheng F., Xu Y., Fang M., Gong F.L. Gene therapy using adenoviral vector encoding 4-1 BBIg gene significantly prolonged murine cardiac allograft survival. Transplant Immunology 2006,16:88-94 公卫百科

9. Fang M., Dai H., Yu G. Gong F-L. Gene delivery of SOCS3 protects mice from lethal endotoxic shock. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2005 ,2(5):373-377


10. Sturlan S., Schneeberger A., Fang M., Beinhauer BG, Lührs P, Kutil R, Wessner B, Huang L, Aasen AO, Rogy MA. Intraperitoneal administration of pMP6/liposome complexes inhibits the growth of co-localized colon-26 adenocarcinoma cells by inducing a tumor-specific immune response. Anticancer research. 2003, 23: 4843-4852


11. Roelofs-Haarhuis K., X. Wu, M. Nowak, M. Fang, S. Artik, and E. Gleichmann. Infectious nickel tolerance: a reciprocal interplay of tolerogenic APCs and T suppressor cells that is driven by immunization. J. Immunol. 2003, 171: 2863-2872 公卫考场





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