(1)微生物组方法学(2)人体微生物组(3)环境微生物组 公卫百科
(1) Zhou HW, Wong HY, Yu MK, Park YD, Wong YS and Tam NF (2009) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Induced Structural Shift of Bacterial Communities in Mangrove Sediment. Microbial Ecology 58: 153-160
(2) Zhou HW, Luan TG, Zou F, Tam NF. (2008) Different bacterial groups for biodegradation of three- and four-ring PAHs isolated from a Hong Kong mangrove sediment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 152, 1179-1185
(3) Zhou, HW, Guo, CL, Wong, YS and Tam, NFY (2006) Genetic diversity of dioxygenase genes in PAH-degrading bacteria isolated from mangrove sediments. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 262, 148-157.
(4) Zhou, HW, Park, YD, and Zhou, HM (2002) Lead ion effect on creatine kinase: equilibrium and kinetic studies of inactivation and conformational changes. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology 34(5):564-71.
(5) Zhou, HW, Xu, Y, and Zhou, HM (2002) Activity and conformational changes of horseradish peroxidase in trifluoroethanol Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 80:205-13.
通讯作者 公卫人
(1) Zhou HW*, Li DF, Tam NF, Jiang XT, Zhang H, Sheng HF, Liu X, Qin J, and Zou F (2010) Barcoded Illumina Paired-End Sequencing, a Cost-Effective High-Throughput Method for Assessing Microbial Diversity. The ISME Journal (通讯作者,已接受 IF 6.39)
(2) Lu SY, Zhang YL, Gen SN, Li TY, Ye ZM, Zhang DS, Zou F and Zhou HW* (2010) High Diversity of Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase-producing Bacteria in an Urban River Sediment Habitat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 5972-5976. (通讯作者,IF 3.686)
(3) Lv ZR, Shi L, Wang J, Park D, Bhak J, Yang JM, Park YD, Zhou HW* and Zou F* (2010) The effect of trifluoroethanol on tyrosinase activity and conformation: inhibition kinetics and computational simulations. Applied Biochemistry Biotechnology 160(7):1896-908 (共同通讯作者) (IF 1.42) 公卫百科
(4) 陆素颖,李天宇,周宏伟* (2010)头孢噻肟处理的城市河流沉积物微生物群落结构及blaCTX-M多样性的研究。南方医科大学学报30: 463-467.
(5) Wu JY, Jiang XT, Lu SY, Zou F, Zhou HW* (2010) Effects of polymerase, template dilution and cycle number on PCR based 16S rRNA diversity analysis using the deep sequencing method (BMC Microbiology 修回)
(6) Wu JG, Jiang YX, Zha LY, Ye ZM, Zhou ZF, Ye JF, Zhou HW* (2010) Tetracycline degradation by ozonation, and evaluation of biodegradability and toxicity of ozonation byproducts (修回)
(7) Jiang YX, Wu JG, Ai CX, Zou F, Zhou HW* (2010) Integrated lysis protocol can reduced the DNA extraction bias on mangrove soil (Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 修回) 公卫家园
(1) Tao R, Ying GG, Su HC, Zhou HW and Sidhuc JPS (2010) Detection of antibiotic resistance and tetracycline resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae isolated from the Pearl rivers in South China. Environmental Pollution 158: 2101-2109
(2) Li CH, Zhou HW, Wong YS and Tam NF (2009) Vertical distribution and anaerobic biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mangrove sediments in Hong Kong, South China. Science of the Total Environment 407, 5772-5779
(3) Zhong, Y, Luan, TG, Zhou, HW, Lan, CY and Tam, NFY (2006) Pyrene intermediates production in single and binary PAH culture by a PAH-degrading Mycobacterium sp. isolated from mangrove sediment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25, 2853-2859
(4) Luan, TG, Yu, KSH, Zhong, Y, Zhou, HW, Lan, CY and Tam, NFY (2006) Study of metabolites from the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by bacterial consortium enriched from mangrove sediments. Chemosphere, 65, 2289-2296
(5) 张亚莉,周宏伟,马骊等,(2006)医患鼻前庭携带耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌与医院感染菌同源性的研究。南方医科大学学报, 26, 635-637
(6) Guo, CL, Zhou, HW, Wong, YS and Tam, NFY (2005) Isolation of PAH-degrading bacteria from mangrove sediments and their biodegradation potential. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51, 1054-1061.
(7) Meng, FG, Zhou, HW, and Zhou, HM (2001) Effects of acrylamide on creatine kinase from rabbit muscle. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 33, 1064-1070
Email: biodegradation@gmail.com