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学术背景: 从事环境卫生学教学和环境流行病学科研工作20余年。先后参加和主持国家973环境项目、国家科技部“十五”、“十一五”科技攻关和支撑项目、国家和北京市自然科学基金重大和面上项目等十余项科研课题以及美国国家环保局、欧盟FP6“HENVINET”项目、德国DFG、澳大利亚ALA项目和韩国环境科学研究院等多项国际合作科研项目。在国内外核心期刊发表论文90余篇,获省部级科研成果2项,申请国家发明专利1项。现为中华预防医学会卫生工程分会副主任委员、环境卫生学分会常务委员和农村改水改厕专业委员会常务委员、中国环境科学学会环境医学与健康分会常委、北京环境诱变剂学会副理事长。 公卫百科

目前主持承担的科研项目有:国家自然科学基金重点项目“大气细颗粒和超细颗粒的环境行为。界面过程和健康效应”,国家“十一五” 科技支撑计划项目“建筑室内生物污染控制与改善关键技术研究”和“环境污染的健康风险评估与管理技术研究”, 欧盟课题“健康与环境网络建设”、韩国环科院合作项目《亚洲沙尘污染对儿童健康影响的比较风险研究》等 公卫人



Name: Mr. Xiao-chuan Pan, Professor and Vice director of Dept. of Occupational and Environmental Health, Peking University School of Public Health, Beijing, China.
Education: B. Sc degree, Beijing Medical University, 1982; M. Sc degree in Environmental Health from Peking University Health Science Center in 1988.

Professional experiences:
Institute of Occupational health and Hygiene, University Hospitals Essen, Essen, Germany as a visiting scholar in 1992-1994
School of Public Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia as visiting professor in June-Oct., 2005 公卫家园
Main interests of my research recently include environmental epidemiology, health risk assessment, quantitative evaluation of disease burden from ambient air pollution in China, health effects of dust storm and climate change in Asia, etc. Since 2000, the project I had/have been responsible for include:Health Effects of Fine/Ultrafine particles in ambient air of Beijing founded by Natural Science Foundation China (NSFC) and also cooperated with GSF, Germany; Energy Selection and Health Benefits in Beijing and China funded by IES program of USEPA, Study of Environmental Cost Model in China funded by USEPA, Risk Assessment for health Effects of Biological Indoor Air Pollutants and outdoor air pollution funded by China Ministry of Science and Technology; Health Effects of Fine Particles from the Dust Storms in China funded by NSFC and also cooperated with NIER, South Korea, etc. ? 公卫人
Lectures of Environmental Epidemiology, outdoor/indoor air pollution and human health, quantitative evaluation for ambient air pollution and related health outcomes; and environmental health risk assessment.
Professional Committees: ??? 公卫家园
the deputy director of Hygiene Engineering Section of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA), the standing member of Environmental Health Section of CPMA, the standing member of Environmental Medicine and Health Section, Chinese Society for Environmental Science, the deputy director of Beijing Environmental Mutagen Society. 公卫论坛


Yuming Guo a, Yuping Jia, Xiaochuan Pan, Liqun Liu, H.-Erich Wichmann The association between fine particulate air pollution and hospital emergency room visits for cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment 2009;407: 4826–4830(IF: 2.4) 公卫百科
Junhan Liu, Yuming Guo, and Xiaochuan Pan Study of the Current Status and Factors That Influence Indoor Air Pollution in 138 Houses in the Urban Area in Xi’an.? Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 2008; 1140: 246–255. (IF: 1.73)
Qixin Wang, Yang Liu, Xiaochuan Pan Atmosphere pollutants and mortality rate of respiratory disease in Beijing. Science of Total Environment 2008; 391: 143-148 (IF: 2.18) 公卫论坛
Yuming Guo, Anlu Zhao, Liqun Liu, Yaan Zhang, Minjuan Yang, Xiaochuan pan Association between Sulfur Dioxide Air Pollution and Hospital Emergency Treatment for Circulatory Diseases: A Case-crossover Study. J Environ health 2008; 25(12): 1035-1039
Yuming Guo, Liqun Liu, Jianmin Chen, Xiaochuan Pan et al. Associtation between the concentration of particulate matters and the hospital emergency room visits for circulatory diseases: a case-crossover study Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. 2008, 29 (11): 1064-1068.


YANG Min-juan, PAN Xiao-chuan. Time-series Analysis of Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Mor tality in Beijing, China J Environ health 2008; 25(4): 297-297
LIU Li-qun, PAN Xiao-chuan, ZHENG Ya-an, et al. Relationship between Temperature, Relative Humidity and Wind Speed and Cardio-cerebral Diseases Hospital Emergency Room Visit Number in a Certain District of Beijing: a Time-Series Analysis J Environ health 2008; 25(7): 578-582?? 公卫百科
YE Xiao-fang, KIM DS, ZHANG Yi-xiang, Xiaochuan Pan et al. Effect of Par ticulate Pollutants in Sand Dust Weather on Schoolchildr en’s Peak Expiratory Flow Rate J Environ health 2008; 25(7): 571-575
LIU Jun-han, GUO Yu-ming, PAN Xiao-chuan. Study of the Current Status and Influence Factor s of Indoor Air Pollution through 138 Houses in Urban Ar ea in Xi’an J Environ Health 2008;25(4):323-326


LIU Ying, Kim Dae-seon, HE Chang-jie, Xiaochuan Pan. Correlation between Sand Dust Weather and Peak Expiratory Flow Rate of Children in Inner Mongolia of China. J Environ Health 2008:25(1):7-10 公卫论坛


Email: xcpan@bjmu.edu.cn;联系电话:010-82802530







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