流行病学中的病因一般称为危险因素,含义是使疾病发生概率即危险升高的因素。 其中一个或多个不存在时,疾病发生的频率就下降。本考题的要点是流行病学病因定义中的三方面内容:①病因作用机体后所致的结局是发病。②病因是相对频率事件。③还要考虑病因是多种的。 公卫考场
Modern epidemiology中这样解释cause:One definition of the cause of a specific disease occurrence is an antecedent event, condition, or characteristic that was necessary for the occurrence of the disease at the moment it occurred, given that other conditions are fixed. In other words, a cause of a disease occurrence is an event, condition, or characteristic that preceded the disease onset and that, had the event, condition, or characteristic been different in a specified way, the disease either would not have occurred at all or would not have occurred until some later time.
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上一篇 浙江省诸暨市疾病预防控制中心 下一篇 充分病因