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Intention to treat analysis

In epidemiology, an intention to treat (ITT) analysis (sometimes also called Intent to Treat) is an analysis based on the initial treatment intent, not on the treatment eventually administered. ITT analysis is intended to avoid various misleading artifacts that can arise in intervention research. For example, if people who have a more refractory or serious problem tend to drop out at a higher rate, even a completely ineffective treatment may appear to be providing benefits if one merely compares the condition before and after the treatment for only those who finish the treatment (ignoring those who were enrolled originally, but have since been excluded or dropped out). For the purposes of ITT analysis, everyone who begins the treatment is considered to be part of the trial, whether they finish it or not. 公卫考场

"Intention to treat" is a strategy for the analysis of randomised controlled trials that compares patients in the groups to which they were originally randomly assigned. This is generally interpreted as including all patients, regardless of whether they actually satisfied the entry criteria, the treatment actually received, and subsequent withdrawal or deviation from the protocol. However there is a debate about the validity of excluding specific cases within each of these categories from an intention to treat analysis. Clinical effectiveness may be overestimated if an intention to treat analysis is not done.

Intention to treat analysis is better regarded as a complete trial strategy for design, conduct and analysis rather than as an approach to analysis alone.
意向治疗是分析随机对照试验(这些试验比较的是最初随机分配进入不同组的患者)时所用的方法。通常认为这种治疗包括了所有参加试验的患者,无论他们是否真正达到了入选标准、实际接受的治疗以及随后是否退出试验或偏离了研究方案。然而,关于用每种类型的意向治疗分析排除特定病例的有效性仍有争议。如果没有进行意向治疗分析,临床有效性可能会被高估。 公卫人




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