职 称:
教授 博导
职 务:
1. 邹飞:高原低氧等环境因素损伤适应机理与干预措施。国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题。2006~2011,2006CB504100 公卫百科
2. 邹飞:国家科技重大专项军队特需药品保密专项;2008~2010;2008ZXJ09004-017
3. 邹飞:ATP敏感性钾通道的非电导功能在神经元缺氧损伤中的保护机制。教育部博士点基金。2008~2011;200899810004;
4. 邹飞:提高部队热适应能力和中暑防治措施的研究。 军队指令性课题, 1996~2000, 96L033 公卫人
5. 邹飞:哮喘过敏介质信号转导的离子通道机制。国家自然科学基金,1995~1997;39570331
6. 邹飞:高温条件下神经性毒剂中毒损伤的特性及其防治。军队指令性课题专题;1996~2000;96L015
7. 邹飞:温敏神经元信号转导的离子通道机制及干预药物。军队九五课题,1999~2001;98M071
8. 邹飞:离子通道参与温敏神经元信号转导的分子机制。国家自然科学基金,2000~ 2002;39970810
9. 邹飞:NO和离子通道信号系统对神经可塑性调控的分子机
1. 1993年军队科技进步三等奖;条件损伤对运动神经再生的促进作用;第一作者
2. 1996年获军队科技进步二等奖;梭曼引起神经肌肉接头阻断机理的研究;第三作者 公卫家园
3. 2000年军队科技进步三等奖;钾离子通道活化剂治疗支气管哮喘的实验研究;
4. 2002军队科技进步二等奖;提高热区部队作业能力和中暑防治措施的研究;第一作者;
5. 2003年军队科技进步二等奖;军事职业危害因素高温对机体的损伤及其对策的研究;第一作者;
6. 2004年广东省科技进步三等奖;提高热区人员作业能力和中暑防治措施的研究;第一作者。
7. 2005年获中华医学科技奖一等奖;一个学习记忆有关脑区的发现及其结构和功能的研究;第四作者。
8. 2009年获广东省教学成果一等奖;高素质应急型公共卫生人才培养的研究与实践;第一作者。
1. Lianyan Huang, Boxing Li, Wenjun Li, Hongbo Guo, Fei Zou: ATP-sensitive Potassium Channels Control Glioma Cells Proliferation by Regulating ERK Activity. Carcinogenesis,2009;30(5):737–744 公卫论坛
2. Xuemei Chen, Hongyun Kang, Fei Zou: Low concentration of GA activates a preconditioning response in HepG2 cells during oxidative stress-roles of Hsp90 and vimentin. Cell Stress Chaperon, 2009 14:381–389
3. Bin Wang, Wenjun Li, Xiaojing Meng, Fei Zou: Hypoxia up-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor in U-87 MG cells:involvement of TRPC1. Neurosci lett . 2009 Aug 14;459(3):132-6. 公卫人
4. Dongliang Zhao,Xiaojing Meng, Chunqing Cai, Chunhua Yuan, Fei Zou:Temperature pretreatment alters the polarization response of human neutrophils to the chemoattractant N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe. Inflammation,2009;32 (1):47-56
5. Lianyan Huang, Wenjun Li, Boxing Li and Fei Zou:ATP-Sensitive K+ channel protects hippocampal CA1 neurons against chronic severe hypoxia by regulating expression of p53. Neuroscience Letters,2006;398:34-38 公卫考场
6. Sheng Q, Lu ZR, Mu H, Zou HC, Zou F, Yao SJ.The effect of ag(+) on arginine kinase: inhibition kinetics.J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2009 Aug;27(1):59-64
7. Zhou HW, Luan TG, Zou F, Tam NF. Different bacterial groups for biodegradation of three- and four-ring PAHs isolated from a Hong Kong mangrove sediment. J Hazard Mater. 2008;152(3):1179-1185
8. Hong-Yan Han,Wei-An Xu,Zhi-Rong Lu,Fei Zou,Sen Li:Activation and Inactivation of Horseradish Peroxidase by Cobalt Ions. J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2008 Aug;26(1):83-92.
9. Zou HC, Lü ZR, Wang YJ, Zhang YM, Zou F, Park YD. Effect of Cysteine Modification on Creatine Kinase Aggregation. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009;152(1):15-28.
10. Lin Gou, Zhi-Rong Lü,Daeui Park,Sang Ho Oh,Long Shi,Seong Jin Park,Jong Bhak,Yong-Doo Park,Zhen-Long Ren,Fei Zou:The Effect of Histidine Residue Modification on Tyrosinase Activity and Conformation: Inhibition Kinetics and Computational Prediction. J Biomol Struct Dyn,2008 Dec;26(3):395-402;
11. Lu ZR, Park TH, Lee ES, Kim KJ, Park D, Kim BC, Cho SW, Bhak J, Park YD, Zou F, Yang JM.:Dysregulated genes of extrinsic type of atopic dermatitis: 34K microarray and interactomic analyses. J Dermatol Sci 2009;53 (2) 146–150
12. Zhi-Rong Lü, He-Chang Zou,Seong Jin Park, Daeui Park, Long Shi, Sang Ho Oh, Yong-Doo Park,Jong Bhak,and Fei Zou:The effects of acrylamide on brain creatine kinase: inhibition kinetics and computational docking simulation. Int J Biol Macromol 2009 Mar 1;44(2):128-32.
13. Zhi-Rong Lu,Ye-Jing Wang,Dong-Youn Lee,Yong-Doo Park,He-Chang Zou, and Fei Zou:The effect of zn(2+) on human brain creatine kinase: unfolding and aggregation studies. J Biomol Struct Dyn,2009 26(5):567-74.
14. Zhi-Rong Lu, Sang Ho Oh, Shan-Shan Zhou,He-Chang Zou,Daeui Park, Seong Jin Park,Hong-Wei Zhou, Jong Bhak,Yong-Doo Park,and Fei Zou:Structural analysis and inhibitory kinetics of brain type creatine kinase by sodium dodecyl sulfate. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2008 Dec 13. [Epub ahead of print]
15. Wu XQ, Zhu WJ, Lu ZR, Xia Y, Yang JM, Zou F, Wang XY:The effect of rutin on arginine kinase: Inhibition kinetics and thermodynamics merging with docking simulation. Int J Biol Macromol. 2009 Mar 1;44(2):149-55.
16. Zhi-Rong Lu, Daeui Park, Kyung-A Lee, Jea-Woon Ryu, Jong Bhak, Long Shi, Dong-Youn Lee, Yong-Doo Park, Fei Zou, and Jun-Mo Yang: Profiling the dysregulated genes of keratinocytes in atopic dermatitis patients: cDNA microarray and interactomic analyses. J Dermatol Sci,2009 54(2)126-129
17. Hang Mu,Zhi-Rong Lu,Daeui Park,Byoung-Chul Kim,Jong Bhak,Fei Zou,Jun-Mo Yang,Sen Li,Yong-Doo Park,He-Chang Zou,Hai-Meng Zhou: Kinetics of Zn(2+)-induced Brain Type Creatine Kinase Unfolding and Aggregation. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print]
18. Xue-Qiang Wu,Jun Wang, Zhi-Rong Lu,Hong-Min Tang, Daeui Park,Sang-Ho Oh,Jong Bhak,Long Shi, Yong-Doo Park, and Fei Zou:Alpha-glucosidase folding during urea denaturation: enzyme kinetics and computational prediction. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009. May 6. [Epub ahead of print] 公卫考场
19. Lu ZR, Kim WS, Cho IH, Park D, Bhak J, Shi L, Zhou HW, Lee DY, Park YD, Yang JM, Zou F. DNA microarray analyses and interactomic predictions for atopic dermatitis. J. Dermatol. Sci. 2009 Aug;55(2):123-5
20. Hu Qingliu, PIAO Yingjie, and Zou Fei: Gene expression profiles of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and tendon cells. Chin Med J. 2003; 116(8):1270-1272 公卫百科
21. Chen ai Hua, Song Xu-Dong,Luo Bing-De, Zou Fei: Protective and antifatigue effects of aspirin against heatstroke in rats. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2005; 57(4): 446-452
22. Lin XJ, Li YL, Mei GP, Zou F, He DD, Liu XQ, Li YJ, Zhao TB, Lin MT.Activated protein c can be used as a prophylactic as well as a therapeutic agent for heat stroke in rodents.Shock, 2009 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print] 公卫家园
23. Lin XJ, Li YJ, Li ZL, Zou F, Lin MT.Pre-existing Lipopolysaccharide May Increase the Risk of Heatstroke in Rats.Am J Med Sci. 2009 Apr;337 (4): 265-270
教授 博导
职 务:
1. 邹飞:高原低氧等环境因素损伤适应机理与干预措施。国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题。2006~2011,2006CB504100 公卫百科
2. 邹飞:国家科技重大专项军队特需药品保密专项;2008~2010;2008ZXJ09004-017
3. 邹飞:ATP敏感性钾通道的非电导功能在神经元缺氧损伤中的保护机制。教育部博士点基金。2008~2011;200899810004;
4. 邹飞:提高部队热适应能力和中暑防治措施的研究。 军队指令性课题, 1996~2000, 96L033 公卫人
5. 邹飞:哮喘过敏介质信号转导的离子通道机制。国家自然科学基金,1995~1997;39570331
6. 邹飞:高温条件下神经性毒剂中毒损伤的特性及其防治。军队指令性课题专题;1996~2000;96L015
7. 邹飞:温敏神经元信号转导的离子通道机制及干预药物。军队九五课题,1999~2001;98M071
8. 邹飞:离子通道参与温敏神经元信号转导的分子机制。国家自然科学基金,2000~ 2002;39970810
9. 邹飞:NO和离子通道信号系统对神经可塑性调控的分子机
1. 1993年军队科技进步三等奖;条件损伤对运动神经再生的促进作用;第一作者
2. 1996年获军队科技进步二等奖;梭曼引起神经肌肉接头阻断机理的研究;第三作者 公卫家园
3. 2000年军队科技进步三等奖;钾离子通道活化剂治疗支气管哮喘的实验研究;
4. 2002军队科技进步二等奖;提高热区部队作业能力和中暑防治措施的研究;第一作者;
5. 2003年军队科技进步二等奖;军事职业危害因素高温对机体的损伤及其对策的研究;第一作者;
6. 2004年广东省科技进步三等奖;提高热区人员作业能力和中暑防治措施的研究;第一作者。
7. 2005年获中华医学科技奖一等奖;一个学习记忆有关脑区的发现及其结构和功能的研究;第四作者。
8. 2009年获广东省教学成果一等奖;高素质应急型公共卫生人才培养的研究与实践;第一作者。
1. Lianyan Huang, Boxing Li, Wenjun Li, Hongbo Guo, Fei Zou: ATP-sensitive Potassium Channels Control Glioma Cells Proliferation by Regulating ERK Activity. Carcinogenesis,2009;30(5):737–744 公卫论坛
2. Xuemei Chen, Hongyun Kang, Fei Zou: Low concentration of GA activates a preconditioning response in HepG2 cells during oxidative stress-roles of Hsp90 and vimentin. Cell Stress Chaperon, 2009 14:381–389
3. Bin Wang, Wenjun Li, Xiaojing Meng, Fei Zou: Hypoxia up-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor in U-87 MG cells:involvement of TRPC1. Neurosci lett . 2009 Aug 14;459(3):132-6. 公卫人
4. Dongliang Zhao,Xiaojing Meng, Chunqing Cai, Chunhua Yuan, Fei Zou:Temperature pretreatment alters the polarization response of human neutrophils to the chemoattractant N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe. Inflammation,2009;32 (1):47-56
5. Lianyan Huang, Wenjun Li, Boxing Li and Fei Zou:ATP-Sensitive K+ channel protects hippocampal CA1 neurons against chronic severe hypoxia by regulating expression of p53. Neuroscience Letters,2006;398:34-38 公卫考场
6. Sheng Q, Lu ZR, Mu H, Zou HC, Zou F, Yao SJ.The effect of ag(+) on arginine kinase: inhibition kinetics.J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2009 Aug;27(1):59-64
7. Zhou HW, Luan TG, Zou F, Tam NF. Different bacterial groups for biodegradation of three- and four-ring PAHs isolated from a Hong Kong mangrove sediment. J Hazard Mater. 2008;152(3):1179-1185
8. Hong-Yan Han,Wei-An Xu,Zhi-Rong Lu,Fei Zou,Sen Li:Activation and Inactivation of Horseradish Peroxidase by Cobalt Ions. J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2008 Aug;26(1):83-92.
9. Zou HC, Lü ZR, Wang YJ, Zhang YM, Zou F, Park YD. Effect of Cysteine Modification on Creatine Kinase Aggregation. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009;152(1):15-28.
10. Lin Gou, Zhi-Rong Lü,Daeui Park,Sang Ho Oh,Long Shi,Seong Jin Park,Jong Bhak,Yong-Doo Park,Zhen-Long Ren,Fei Zou:The Effect of Histidine Residue Modification on Tyrosinase Activity and Conformation: Inhibition Kinetics and Computational Prediction. J Biomol Struct Dyn,2008 Dec;26(3):395-402;
11. Lu ZR, Park TH, Lee ES, Kim KJ, Park D, Kim BC, Cho SW, Bhak J, Park YD, Zou F, Yang JM.:Dysregulated genes of extrinsic type of atopic dermatitis: 34K microarray and interactomic analyses. J Dermatol Sci 2009;53 (2) 146–150
12. Zhi-Rong Lü, He-Chang Zou,Seong Jin Park, Daeui Park, Long Shi, Sang Ho Oh, Yong-Doo Park,Jong Bhak,and Fei Zou:The effects of acrylamide on brain creatine kinase: inhibition kinetics and computational docking simulation. Int J Biol Macromol 2009 Mar 1;44(2):128-32.
13. Zhi-Rong Lu,Ye-Jing Wang,Dong-Youn Lee,Yong-Doo Park,He-Chang Zou, and Fei Zou:The effect of zn(2+) on human brain creatine kinase: unfolding and aggregation studies. J Biomol Struct Dyn,2009 26(5):567-74.
14. Zhi-Rong Lu, Sang Ho Oh, Shan-Shan Zhou,He-Chang Zou,Daeui Park, Seong Jin Park,Hong-Wei Zhou, Jong Bhak,Yong-Doo Park,and Fei Zou:Structural analysis and inhibitory kinetics of brain type creatine kinase by sodium dodecyl sulfate. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2008 Dec 13. [Epub ahead of print]
15. Wu XQ, Zhu WJ, Lu ZR, Xia Y, Yang JM, Zou F, Wang XY:The effect of rutin on arginine kinase: Inhibition kinetics and thermodynamics merging with docking simulation. Int J Biol Macromol. 2009 Mar 1;44(2):149-55.
16. Zhi-Rong Lu, Daeui Park, Kyung-A Lee, Jea-Woon Ryu, Jong Bhak, Long Shi, Dong-Youn Lee, Yong-Doo Park, Fei Zou, and Jun-Mo Yang: Profiling the dysregulated genes of keratinocytes in atopic dermatitis patients: cDNA microarray and interactomic analyses. J Dermatol Sci,2009 54(2)126-129
17. Hang Mu,Zhi-Rong Lu,Daeui Park,Byoung-Chul Kim,Jong Bhak,Fei Zou,Jun-Mo Yang,Sen Li,Yong-Doo Park,He-Chang Zou,Hai-Meng Zhou: Kinetics of Zn(2+)-induced Brain Type Creatine Kinase Unfolding and Aggregation. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print]
18. Xue-Qiang Wu,Jun Wang, Zhi-Rong Lu,Hong-Min Tang, Daeui Park,Sang-Ho Oh,Jong Bhak,Long Shi, Yong-Doo Park, and Fei Zou:Alpha-glucosidase folding during urea denaturation: enzyme kinetics and computational prediction. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2009. May 6. [Epub ahead of print] 公卫考场
19. Lu ZR, Kim WS, Cho IH, Park D, Bhak J, Shi L, Zhou HW, Lee DY, Park YD, Yang JM, Zou F. DNA microarray analyses and interactomic predictions for atopic dermatitis. J. Dermatol. Sci. 2009 Aug;55(2):123-5
20. Hu Qingliu, PIAO Yingjie, and Zou Fei: Gene expression profiles of human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and tendon cells. Chin Med J. 2003; 116(8):1270-1272 公卫百科
21. Chen ai Hua, Song Xu-Dong,Luo Bing-De, Zou Fei: Protective and antifatigue effects of aspirin against heatstroke in rats. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2005; 57(4): 446-452
22. Lin XJ, Li YL, Mei GP, Zou F, He DD, Liu XQ, Li YJ, Zhao TB, Lin MT.Activated protein c can be used as a prophylactic as well as a therapeutic agent for heat stroke in rodents.Shock, 2009 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print] 公卫家园
23. Lin XJ, Li YJ, Li ZL, Zou F, Lin MT.Pre-existing Lipopolysaccharide May Increase the Risk of Heatstroke in Rats.Am J Med Sci. 2009 Apr;337 (4): 265-270