SAS Display Manager Statement
The display manager governs the appearance of the screen during a SAS session. The display manager is controlled by issuing commands during the session or in the user's file.
Display manager commands issued during a SAS session are either typed at the command prompt in a window, are issued with a function key to which the command was assigned in the keys window, or are given using a dm statement in the program editor window. 公卫考场
Display manager commands issued in the program editor window or in the autoexec file take the basic form
dm window 'command' window;
where 'command' is a display manager command and the window specification is optional. The window commands (which are either program, output, or log) allow switching of the active window either before or after the command is issued.
One of the most used display manager commands is keydef, which is used to assign commands to function keys. Example:
dm 'keydef f1 zoom';
assigns the zoom command to the function key f1.
For a list of some of the basic display manager commands, see keys. For a full listing of the display manager commands see the SAS Language Reference. 公卫家园
Display manager commands issued during a SAS session are either typed at the command prompt in a window, are issued with a function key to which the command was assigned in the keys window, or are given using a dm statement in the program editor window. 公卫考场
Display manager commands issued in the program editor window or in the autoexec file take the basic form
dm window 'command' window;
where 'command' is a display manager command and the window specification is optional. The window commands (which are either program, output, or log) allow switching of the active window either before or after the command is issued.
One of the most used display manager commands is keydef, which is used to assign commands to function keys. Example:
dm 'keydef f1 zoom';
assigns the zoom command to the function key f1.
For a list of some of the basic display manager commands, see keys. For a full listing of the display manager commands see the SAS Language Reference. 公卫家园
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