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There will be a clear propaganda theme since the World AIDA Day was established. According this theme, all the countries of the world will hold varieties educational activities. Now let review the past theme on it.
1988—Join the Worldwide Effort
This theme aimed to require all the countries carry out the educational activities to prevent AIDS and let the people know the harm from AIDS and how to prevent it. 公卫家园
1989—Our Lives, Our World----Let's Take Care of Each Other
1990—Women and AIDS
This theme required that all the states should arouse the worldwide attention on the special problem of women and the necessary of women participate in the activities.


1991—Sharing the Challenge
This theme was appealing all the governments should take responsibility on controlling and prevention AIDS.
1992—A Community Commitment
The purpose of this theme was call on all the people to join the activities but not only the task of health department and medical personnel. 公卫家园
1993—Time to Act
1994—AIDS and the Family
1995—Shared Right, Shared Responsibilites
1996—One World, One Hope
This theme aimed that the world can work together to prevent the spread of AIDS and establish a global world which can offer the help and support to the HIV suffers. 公卫家园
1997—Children Living in a World with AIDS
1998—Force for Change: World AIDS Campaign with Young People
The campaign aimed to mobilize the young who tried their hard to reduce the spread of AIDS and to strength the support for those young people who got AIDS and to promote and protect their human rights. 公卫人
1999—Listen, Learn, Live: (World AIDS Campaign with Children & Young People)
2000—Men Make a Difference
It aimed to mobilize men to take greater responsibility on controlling and prevention AIDS activities.
2001—I care, Do You?
2002—Stigma & Discrimination

2003—Stigma & Discrimination
2004—Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS
2005—stop AIDS, keep the promise
2006—stop AIDS, keep the promise
2007—stop AIDS, keep the promise
2008—stop AIDS, keep the promise
2009—Universal Access and Human Rights 公卫论坛
The Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is short for AIDS, the word that we all know “aids” means “help”. World AIDS Day is not just about raising money, but also about raising awareness, education and fighting prejudice. World AIDS Day is also important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done for us. 公卫人





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