睡眠债(sleep debt)是指由于主动限制睡眠时间而造成的睡眠不足。青少年中,上学日和非上学日睡眠时间超过2小时被认为存在睡眠债。
“Sleep debt”: Despite the absence of a consensual definition for sleep debt in adolescents, most authors and the National sleep Foundation in the USA consider that a “2 hours debt” was sufficient enough to evoke sleep debt in teenagers [38]–[41]. We therefore defined sleep debt in our subjects as a difference between TSTN(non schooldays) and TSTS(schooldays) for over 2 hours. 公卫人
38. Mindell JA, Owens J, Alves R, Bruni O, Goh DY, et al. (2011) Give children and adolescents the gift of a good night's sleep: a call to action. Sleep Med 12: 203–4. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 公卫人
39. National Sleep Foundation (2010) Sleep and teens. Biology and Behavior. Available: www.sleepfoundation.org.
40. Owens JA (2012) A letter to the editor in defense of sleep recommendations. Pediatrics 129: 987–8 author reply 989–91; discussion 988–9. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] 公卫论坛
41. National Institutes of health. NIH Office of Science Education. Information about sleep. Available: science.education.nih.gov.