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徐琳 中山大学公共卫生学院教授,研究方向:慢性非传染性疾病流行病学;孟德尔随机化研究 公卫人




1. 2010~2012 于香港大学公共卫生学院获得流行病学博士学位


2. 2008~2010 于香港大学公共卫生学院获得流行病学硕士学位


3. 2007~2008 于香港大学公共卫生学院获得公共卫生学硕士学位 公卫考场

4. 2000~2005 于中山大学公共卫生学院预防医学系获得学士学位 公卫百科


1. 2017~至今 在中山大学公共卫生学院任职教授


2. 2015~2016年在香港大学公共卫生学院任职研究助理教授 公卫家园

3. 2012~2014年在香港大学公共卫生学院任职博士后


4. 2005~2007 于广州市第十二人民医院任职医师



自2008年以来担任了多本重要国际科学期刊的审稿人,包括Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology,BMJ,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,BMC Medicine, International Journal of Epidemiology,PLOS One,BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine,Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health,Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism,Neuroepidemiology,Psychiatry Research,BMC Cardiovascular Disorders,Statistics in Medicine,Journal of Epidemiology, Scientific Report,Sleep Research等国际医学期刊。 公卫人




广东省自然科学基金项目:血睾酮与缺血性心脏病:结合孟德尔随 机化分析的人群前瞻性队列研究 (项目编号 2018A030313140); 04/2018-12/2020(主持)


香港大学项目:Progression of carotid intima-media thickness and related cardiovascular outcomes in older Chinese people (项目编号201309176086);港币5.2(万元);起止时间:04/2014-12/2014(主持)


香港医疗卫生研究基金项目:Do common liver virus infections (HAV, HBV and HCV) contribute to high diabetes risk in China?(项目编号12133631)港币70.1(万元);起止时间:04/2015-03/2016(主持 )

香港大学项目:Establishment of cardiovascular risk prediction score in middle-age to older Chinese people (项目编号201510159006)港币15(万元);起止时间:01/2016-12/2016(主持) 


香港医疗卫生研究基金项目:A prospective study of Southern Chinese dietary pattern, foods and nutrients with cardiovascular disease mortality(项目编号13143241);港币53(万元);起止时间:04/2016-03/2017(主持)







Wang T, Jiang CQ(*), Xu L(*), Zhang WS, Zhu F, Jin YL, Thomas GN, Cheng KK, Lam TH. (2018). White blood cell count and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the Guangzhou biobank cohort study. BMC public health, 18(1), 1232.


Duan CW, Xu L (*). Testosterone and androstanediol glucuronide among men in NHANES III. BMC Public Health. 2018;18(1):339. Epub 2018/03/11. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5255-6. PubMed PMID: 29523115;  公卫百科

Xu L, Lam TH, Jiang CQ, Zhang WS, Zhu F, Jin YL, Woo J, Cheng KK, Thomas GN. Egg consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study and meta-analyses. Eur J Nutr. 2018. Epub 2018/04/24. doi: 10.1007/s00394-018-1692-3. PubMed PMID: 29680985. 公卫家园

Lam TH (#), Xu L (#), Jiang CQ(*), Zhang WS, Zhu F, Jin YL, Thomas GN, Cheng KK. High relative risk of all-cause mortality attributed to smoking in China: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. PLoS One. 2018;13(4):e0196610. Epub 2018/04/27. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0196610.


Xu L, Lam TH. The Stage of Obesity Epidemic Model: Learning from Tobacco Control and Advocacy for a Framework Convention on Obesity Control. J Diabetes 2018. doi: 10.1111/1753-0407.12647.


Xu L, Borges MC, Hemani G, Lawlor DA. The role of glycaemic and lipid risk factors in mediating the effect of BMI on coronary heart disease: a two-step, two-sample Mendelian randomisation study. Diabetologia. 2017 Nov;60(11):2210-2220.


Xu L (*), Hao YT. Effect of handgrip on coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction: a Mendelian randomization study. Sci Rep. 2017;7(1):954. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01073-z. PubMed PMID: 28424468; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC5430422.


Xu L (*), Lin SL, Schooling CM: A Mendelian randomization study of the effect of calcium on coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and their risk factors. Sci Rep 2017, 7:42691. 公卫考场

Xu L, Lam TH, Jiang CQ, Zhang WS, Jin YL, Zhu T, Zhu F, Thomas GN and Cheng KK. Adiposity and incident diabetes within 4 years of follow-up: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Diabet Med. 2017;34:1400-1406.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Zhang WS, Zhu F, Jin YL, Thomas GN, Cheng KK and Schooling CM. Mendelian randomization estimates of alanine aminotransferase with cardiovascular disease: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort study. Hum Mol Genet. 2017;26:430-437.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Schooling CM, Zhang WS, Cheng KK and Lam TH. Liver enzymes as mediators of association between obesity and diabetes: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Annals of epidemiology. 2017;27:204-207.


Yang S, Xu L (joint first author), He Y, Jiang C, Jin Y, Cheng KK, Zhang W and Lam TH. Childhood secondhand smoke exposure and pregnancy loss in never smokers: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Tob Control. 2017;26:697-702.


Xu, L., Lam, T. H., Jiang, C. Q., Zhang, W. S., Jin, Y. L., Zhu, T., Thomas, G.N., Cheng, K. K. (2016). Changes in adiposity in an older Chinese population in rapid economic transition. Obesity, 24(10), 2217-2223.


Jiang CQ, Chan YH, Xu L (*), Jin YL, Zhu T, Zhang WS, Cheng KK, Lam TH. (2016) Smoking and serum vitamin D in older Chinese people: cross-sectional analysis based on the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. BMJ Open. 2016;6(6):e010946. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010946.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Cheng KK, Au Yeung SL, Zhang WS, Lam TH and Schooling CM. (2015) Alcohol Use and Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Using a Mendelian Randomization Design in the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. PloS one 10, e0137790. 公卫考场

Xu L, Jiang CQ, Schooling CM, Zhang WS, Cheng KK, Lam TH. Liver enzymes and incident diabetes in China: a prospective analysis of 10,764 participants in the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. JECH. 2015;69(11):1040-1044. 公卫家园

Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Zhang WS, Cherny SS, Thomas GN, Cheng KK. Sleep duration and memory in the elderly chinese: Longitudinal analysis of the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. SLEEP. 2014;37:1737-1744


Xu L, Freeman G, Cowling BJ, Schooling CM. Testosterone therapy and cardiovascular events among men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of placebo-controlled randomized trials. BMC MEDICINE. 2013;11:108. 公卫人

Xu L, Schooling CM, Chan WM, Lee SY, Leung GM, Lam TH. Smoking and hemorrhagic stroke mortality in a prospective cohort study of older Chinese. STROKE. Aug 2013;44(8):2144-2149.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Schooling CM, Zhang WS, Cheng KK, Lam TH. Prediction of 4-year incident diabetes in older Chinese: Recalibration of the Framingham diabetes score on guangzhou biobank cohort study. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 2014;69C:63-68


Xu L, Yeung SL, Kavikondala S, et al. Estradiol concentrations in young healthy US versus Chinese men. American journal of human biology: the official journal of human biology council 2014;26(4),565-569.


Xu L, Au Yeung SL, Kavikondala S, Leung GM, Schooling CM. Testosterone concentrations in young healthy us versus Chinese men. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY: THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE HUMAN BIOLOGY COUNCIL. 2014;26(1):99-102. 公卫论坛

Xu L, Chan WM, Hui YF, Lam TH. Association between HbA1c and cardiovascular disease mortality in older Hong Kong Chinese with diabetes. DIABETIC MEDICINE 2012;29(3):393-8.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Bao B, Cheng KK, Thomas GN. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and HbA1c defined prediabetes: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-CVD. CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY (Oxf) 2011;74(4):528-31.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Thomas GN, Zhang WS, Cheng KK. Passive smoking and aortic arch calcification in older Chinese never smokers: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. INTTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY 2011;148(2):189-93.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Yue XJ, Lin JM, Cheng KK, et al. Arterial stiffness and left-ventricular diastolic dysfunction: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-CVD. JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION 2011;25(3):152-8. 公卫人

Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Zhang WS, Thomas GN, Cheng KK. Dose-response relation between physical activity and cognitive function: guangzhou biobank cohort study. ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 2011;21(11):857-63.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Cheng KK, Yue XJ, Lin JM, et al. Impact of impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance on arterial stiffness in an older Chinese population: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-CVD. METABOLISM 2010;59(3):367-72. 公卫人

Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Lin JM, Yue XJ, Cheng KK, et al. The metabolic syndrome is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis independent of insulin resistance: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-CVD. CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY (Oxf) 2010;73(2):181-8.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Liu B, Jin YL, Zhu T, et al. Short or long sleep duration is associated with memory impairment in older Chinese: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. SLEEP 2011;34(5):575-80.


Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Thomas GN, Zhang WS, Cheng KK. Aortic arch calcification and vascular disease: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. CARDIOLOGY 2010;117(4):260-4. 公卫人

Xu L, Jiang CQ, Lam TH, Yue XJ, Cheng KK, Liu B, et al. Brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity and cardiovascular risk factors in the non-diabetic and newly diagnosed diabetic Chinese: Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study-CVD. DIABETES METABOLISM RESEARCH & REVIEW 2010;26(2):133-9. 公卫论坛

Lam TH, Xu L, (joint first author) Schooling CM, Chan WM, Lee SY, Leung GM. Smoking and mortality in a prospective cohort study of older chinese in Hong Kong. ADDICTION. 2015;110(3):502-510.


Zhang WS, Xu L (join first author), Schooling CM, et al. Effect of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase gene polymorphisms on alcohol-associated hypertension: the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study. Hypertension research. Aug 2013;36(8):741-746.


Lam TH and Xu L. Commentary: Fundamental limitations of meta-analysis of cohort studies, epidemiological challenges and the stage of obesity epidemic. Int J Epidemiol. 2016. (DOI. 10.1093/ije/dyw309)


Schooling CM, Xu L, Zhao J, Au Yeung SL. Norms hide causes-the example of testosterone. Int J Epidemiol. 2014; 43(6): 1987-8.


Schooling CM, Leung GM, Xu L. Promotion of "low t" and the role of testosterone clinical trials. JAMA internal medicine. 2014; 174(2): 305-6. 公卫家园

Schooling CM, Lin X. Testosterone and cardiovascular disease. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2014;2(8):612. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(14)70138-X.


Xu L, Au Yeung SL and Schooling CM. Does the optimal BMI really vary by age and sex? International journal of epidemiology. 2016;45:285-6. 公卫人

Xu L, Schooling CM. Differential risks in men and women for first and recurrent venous thrombosis: the role of genes and environment: comment. Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis: JTH. 2015; 13(5): 884-6. 公卫人



1.      2008 获贺达理教授奖(Professor Anthony Hedley Prize for Master of Public Health), 香港大学(年级总分第一名,优秀毕业论文奖)


2.      2011获龍榮軾教授及朱淑濂女士研究生奖学金(YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship), 香港大学


3.      2011年参与项目《广州生物库中老年队列的建立与常见慢性重大疾病的相关因素研究》,研究团队获中华预防医学会科学进步奖二等奖 公卫论坛

4.      2012再次获龍榮軾教授及朱淑濂女士研究生奖学金(YS and Christabel Lung Postgraduate Scholarship), 香港大学 公卫家园

5.      2014年参与项目《广州生物库中老年队列的建立与常见慢性重大疾病的相关因素研究》,研究团队获广东省科学技术进步奖二等奖


6.      2015年获香港大学/美国中华医学基金会(University of Hong Kong/China Medical Board)联合基金资助 公卫家园






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