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姓名: 文师吾
出生日期: 1952年4月27日
职称/职务: 加拿大Ottawa大学教授,中南大学讲座教授
民族: 汉
籍贯: 湖南长沙
研究方向: 临床流行病学



文师吾,男,1984年毕业于安徽医科大学,1984-1986任湖南医科大学流行病学教研室讲师,1986-1988年在美国进修学习,1987年在美国华盛顿(Washington)大学获得硕士学位。1988-1989年任湖南医科大学流行病学教研室主任。1990年出国,随后在加拿大著名的McGill大学获得流行病学与卫生统计学博士学位。毕业后相继在加拿大的多伦多(Toronto)大学,加拿大卫生部(Health Canada)等处从事流行病学研究。目前为加拿大渥太华(Ottawa)大学教授。文师吾博士在流行病学,特别是在围产流行病学研究领域有很高的造诣并取得了辉煌成绩。在加拿大5次获奖,先后获科研课题26项,经费1000余万加元,发表论文近90篇,论文被SCI引用达681次(2004年止)。







1. “Environmental carbon monoxide (CO) level and the risk of pre-eclampsia (PE)”, Principal Investigator, $56,080, Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2005-2007
2. “TAPP: Thrombophilia and placental pathology”, Co-investigator (M Rodger and M Walker Co-PI’s), $150,024, Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2005-2008 公卫考场
3. “Fetal macrosomia and adolescent obesity”, Principal Investigator, $174,333, Canadian Diabetes Association, 2004-2006
4. “Fetal macrosomia and adult obesity and associated diseases in China”, Principal Investigator, $3,000, Canadian Diabetes Association workshop grant, 2004 公卫论坛
5. “The development of a collaborative research project in fetal macrosomia and adult and associated diseases in China”, Principal Investigator, $22,250, Canadian Institute for Health Research, 2004
6. “The use of folic acid antagonists in pregnancy and the incidence of birth defects and adverse fetal and infant outcomes”, Principal Investigator, $ 140,290, CIHR, 2004-2007 公卫考场
7. “Folic acid deficiency in second trimester and adverse pregnancy outcomes”, (FAST) Principal Investigator, $449,000, CIHR operating, 2002-2005
8. “Pre-eclampsia: Fetal & maternal outcomes and innovative therapies”. (PE-NET), Canadian Institute for Health Research. New Emerging Team Grant, Co-Investigator (PI: Dr. Graeme Smith), $1,739,481, 2003-2008. 公卫论坛
9. “Infrastructure for the Perinatal Epidemiology Unit”, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Co-Principal Investigator, $849,988, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, 2002-2005.
10. “Infrastructure for the Perinatal Epidemiology Unit – Equipment”, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Co-Principal Investigator, $101,966, 2003-2007. 公卫考场
11. “Cardiovascular and endocrine effects in childhood of inutero exposure to multiple doses of corticosteroids”, Co-investigator, $162,000, The Physicians Services Incorporated (Principal Investigator, Dr. Mark Walker), 2001 to 2004.
12. “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) in pregnancy and adverse fetal and infant outcomes”, Principal Investigator, $125,000, Hospital for Sick Children’s Foundation National Grant, 2002-2004.


13. “Occurrence and determinants of exposure to FDA class C, D, X drugs in pregnant women”, Principal Investigator, $104,000, PSI, 2002-2004.
14. “Long-term outcomes of oocyte manipulation”, Principal Investigator, $ 400,000, CIHR (CIHR Group Grant: Program in Oocyte Health; total amount: $2.8 million; Program Director, Jay Baltz), 2004-2009.

15. “Thrombophilia and intrauterine growth restriction study”, (TIGRESS) Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator, Dr Marc Rodger), $1,200,000, CIHR , 2004-2008
16. “Thrombophilia and Outcomes of Pregnancy Cohort”, (Top-C) Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator, Dr Marc Rodger), $132,400, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2003-2005.


17. “Obstetrics Maternal Newborn Investigations (OMNI)”, Ottawa Hospital, General Campus, Co-Investigator (Principal investigator, Dr. Mark Walker) $30,000, 2002.
18. “Comparison of birth weight - and age - specific feto - infant mortality between Canada and Taiwan”, Co-Investigator, $2 million (In Taiwan currency; about 30:1 US $), National Science Council of Taiwan, 1999-2000




1. Premier’s Research Excellence Awards, 2004–2009
2. CIHR New Investigator, 2002-2007
3. CIHR/Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies R & D Research Allowance, 2002-2003. 公卫考场

1. Q Yang, S W Wen, G N Smith, Y Chen, D Krewski, X-K Chen, M C Walker. Maternal cigarette smoking decreases the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension and eclampsia in an exposure-response relationship. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2006 (Epub ahead of print). 公卫人
2. Q Yang, S W Wen, X-K Chen, D Krewski, M Walker. Neonatal mortality and morbidity in vertex-vertex second twins according to mode of delivery and birth weight. Journal of Perinatology. 2006;26:3-10.
3. S W Wen, L Huang, R Liston, M Heaman, T Baskett, ID Rusen, KS Josepth, MS Kramer. Occurrence and temporal trends in severe maternal morbidity in Canada, 1991/92 to 2000/01. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2005;173:759-64.


4. S W Wen, K Fung Kee Fung, K Demissie, K S Joseph, A C Allen, M S Kramer for the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group* of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Fetal and neonatal mortality among twin gestations: the effect of intrapair birth weight discordance by gestational age. American Journal of Perinatology. 2005;22:279-86 公卫考场
5. Chen XK, Yang Q, Smith G, Krewski D, Walker M, Wen SW. Environmental lead level and pregnancy-induced hypertension. Environ Res. 2005 Aug 27; [Epub ahead of print]
6. LE Tam, SD McDonald, S W Wen, G N Smith, R C Windrim, M C Walker. A survey of preconceptional folic acid use in a group of Canadian women. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2005; 27:232-6. 公卫考场
7. H Tan, S W Wen, F Gagnon, M Walker. The estimation of heritability for twin data based on concordance of sex and disease. Chronic Diseases in Canada. 2005;26:9-12.
8. H Tan, S W Wen, K Fung Kee Fung, M Walker M, K Demissie. The distribution of intra-twin birth weight discordance and its association with total twin birth weight, gestational age, and neonatal mortality. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005; 121:27-33


9. Q Yang, SW Wen, Y Chen, D Krewski, K Fung Kee Fung, M Walker. Neonatal death and morbidity in vertex-nonvertex second twins according to mode of delivery and birth weight. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2005;192: 840-847
10. Q Yang, S W Wen, Y Chen, D Krewski, K Fung Kee Fung, M Walker. Occurrence and clinical predictors of operative delivery for the vertex second twin after normal vaginal delivery of the first twin. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2005;192: 178-184

11. S W Wen, M Walker. Folic acid in pregnancy: An exploration of health effects beyond reducing neural tube defects. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 2005; 27:13-19
12. H Tan, S W Wen, M Walker, K Demissie. Parental race, birth weight, gestational age, and fetal growth among twin infants in the United States. Early Human Development 2004; 80:153-160 公卫人
13. H Z Tan, Y J Luo, SW Wen, AZ Liu, SQ Li, TB Yang, ZQ Sun. The effect of a disastrous flood on the quality of life in Dongting lake area in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 2004; 16: 126-132
14. Q Yang, SW Wen, L Dubois, Y Chen, MC Walker, D Krewski. Determinants of breast-feeding and weaning in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 2004; 26: 975-81 公卫论坛
15. H Tan, SW Wen, M Walker, K Demissie. Missing paternal demographics: A novel indicator for identifying high risk population of adverse pregnancy outcomes. BiodMed Central, Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2004; 4:21
16. SW Wen, M Walker, M C Léveillé, A Leader. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICS): Promises and challenges. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 2004; 171: 845-46 公卫人
17. S W Wen, Mark Walker. Risk of fetal exposure to tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada 2004; 26: 887-92
18. S W Wen, I D Rusen, M Walker, R Liston, M S Kramer, T Baskett, M Heaman, S Liu. Comparison of maternal mortality and morbidity between trial of labour and elective caesarean section among women with previous delivery, 1988 to 2000. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2004; 191:1263-69 公卫家园
19. B I Sallout, K Fung Kee Fung, S W Wen, L M. Medd, M C Walker. The effect of fetal behavioural states on middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004; 191: 1283-7
20. S W Wen, K Fung Kee Fung, L Oppenheimer, K Demissie, Q Yang, M Walker. Neonatal mortality in second twin according to cause of death, gestational age and mode of delivery. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004: 191, 778-783

21. S W Wen, K Fung Kee Fung, L Oppenheimer, K Demissie, Q Yang, M Walker. Neonatal morbidity in second twin according to gestational age at birth and mode of delivery. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2004: 191, 773-777.
22. S Liu, ID Rusen, KS Joseph, R Liston, M S Kramer, S W Wen, R Kinch. Recent trends in caesarean delivery rates and indications for caesarean delivery in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada, 2004; 26: 735-42


23. S Y Pan, Anne-Marie Ugnat, Y Mao, S W Wen, K C Johnson. A case-control study of diet and the risk of ovarian cancer. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers 7 Prevention, 2004; 13: 1521-1527
24. M Walker, K Murphy, P Saiyi, Q Yang, S W Wen. Adverse maternal outcomes in multi-fetal pregnancies. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2004; 111: 1294-1296 公卫百科
25. B Chalmers, S W Wen. Perinatal Care in Canada. BMC Women’s Health, 2004 Aug 25;4 Suppl 1: S28
26. S W Wen, K Demissie, Q Y Yang, M. Walker. Maternal morbidity and obstetric complications in triplets and quadruplets and higher order multiples. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004; 191: 254-258

27. S W Wen, H Lei, R Sauve, M S Kramer. Determinants of intrapartum fetal death in a remote and indigent population in China. Journal of Perinatology. 2004; 24: 77-81
28. S W Wen, K Fung Kee Fung, L Oppenheimer, K Demissie, Q Y Yang, M Walker. Occurrence and predictors of ceasarean delivery for the second born twin after vaginal delivery of the first twin. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2004; 103: 413-9 公卫家园
29. H Tan, S W Wen, M Walker, K Fung Kee Fung, K Demissie, GG Rhoads. The association between fetal sex and preterm birth in twin pregnancies. Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004; 103: 327-32
30. S Y Pan, K C Johnson, A-M Ugnat, S W Wen, Y Mao. Association of Obesity and Cancer Risk in Canada American Journal of Epidemiology 2004; 159: 259-68 公卫考场
31. S W Wen, I D Rusen, M Walker, R Liston, M S Kramer, T Baskett, M Heaman, S Liu. Comparison of maternal mortality and morbidity between trial of labor and elective caesarean section among women with previous caesarean delivery, 1988 to 2000. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004;191:1263-9 公卫家园
32. S W Wen, G Smith, Q Y Yang, M Walker. Epidemiology of preterm birth and neonatal outcome. Seminars in Fetal Medicine and Neonatology. 2004; 9: 429-435
33. S W Wen, Mark Walker. The risk of fetal exposure to folic acid antagonists. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 2004; 26: 475-480 公卫百科
34. S W Wen, M Walker. The use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada, 2004;26:819-822
35. S Pan, Y Mao, K C Johnson, S W Wen. Physical Activity and the Risk of Lung Cancer in Canada. American Journal of Epidemiololgy 2003; 158: 564-75 公卫百科
36. S W Wen, H Lei, M Walker. Determinants of Caesarean Delivery Among Women Hospitalized for Childbirth in a Remote Population in China. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 2003, 25: 937-943
37. K S Joseph, S Liu, K Demissie, S W Wen, R W Platt, C V Ananth, S Dzakpasu, R Sauve, A C Allen, M S Kramer. A parsimonious explanation for intersecting perinatal mortality curves: understanding the effect of plurality and of parity. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2003; 3:3

38. S W Wen, M S Kramer, H Yang, R Platt, K Demissie, K S Joseph, R Sauve. Secular trends in fetal growth in Canada, 1981 to 1997. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology , 2003; 17: 347-354
Y Mao, S Pan , S W Wen, K C Johnson and the Canadian Cancer Registries Epidemiology Research Group. Physical inactivity, energy intake, obesity and the risk of rectal cancer in Canada. International Journal of Cancer. 2003;105: 831-837 公卫考场
39. S W Wen, L M Chen, C Y Li, M S Kramer, A Allen. International comparison of birth weight-specific feto-infant mortality - The impact of missing birth weight in deceased versus surviving fetuses and infants. Chronic Disease in Canada 2002; 23:146-51.

40. M S Kramer, H Yang H, R Platt, H McNamara, R H Usher, K S Joseph, S W Wen. Why are babies getting bigger? Secular trends in fetal growth and its determinants. Journal of Pediatrics 2002; 141: 538-42.
41. S Liu, M Heaman, M S Kramer, S W Wen. Association between length of stay, obstetric conditions at childbirth and maternal readmission. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2002; 187:681-7.

42. C V Ananth, S W Wen. Trends in fetal growth in the United States and Canada among singleton gestations, 1985 through 1998. Seminar Perinatology. 2002; 26:260-7.
43. S Liu, K S Joseph, S W Wen. Trends in fetal and infant deaths due to congenital anomalies. Seminar Perinatology. 2002; 26:268-76. 公卫论坛
44. L Oppenheimer, E Bland, A Dabrowski, P Holmes, S W Wen. Uterine contraction pattern as a predictor of the mode of delivery. Journal of Perinatology 2002; 22: 149-53.
45. S Liu, K S Joseph, M S Kramer, A Allen, R Sauve, I D Rusen, S W Wen, R Wilkins. Relationship of Prenatal Diagnosis and Pregnancy Termination on Overall Infant Mortality in Canada. Journal of American Medical Association, 2002; 287: 1561-7. 公卫百科
46. K S Joseph, S Marcoux, A Ohlsson, S Liu, A Allen, M S Kramer, S W Wen. Preterm birth, stillbirth and infant mortality among triplet births in Canada, 1985-96. Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2002; 16: 141-8.
B Blondel, M D Kogan, M S Kramer,B Beart, S W Wen. The impact of the increasing number of multiple births on the rates of preterm birth and low birthweight: An international study. American Medical Journal of Public Health, 2002: 91: 1323-30. 公卫家园
47. R W Platt, M Abrahamowicz, M S Kramer, K S Joseph ,L Mery, B Blondel, B Beart, S W Wen. Detecting and eliminating erroneous gestational ages: a normal mixture model. Statistics in Medicine 2001; 20:3491-503.
48. P Holmes, L Oppenheimer, S W Wen. The relationship between cervical dilation at initial presentation in labour and subsequent intervention. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2001; 108: 1120-4. 公卫考场
49. S Liu, K S Joseph, S W Wen, M S Kramer, S Marcoux, A Ohlsson, R Sauve. Differential secular trends in congenital anomaly-related fetal and infant mortality according to gestational age. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 2001; 104: 7-13.
50. K S Joseph, S Marcoux, A Ohlsson, S Liu, A C Allen, M S Kramer, S W Wen. For the Fetal and Infant Health Study Group of the Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Changes in stillbirth and infant mortality associated with increases in preterm birth among twins. Pediatrics, 2001; 108: 1055-61.


51. L M Chen, S W Wen, C Y Li. The impact of national health insurance on the utilization of health care services by pregnant women - The case in Taiwan. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 2001; 5:35-41.
52. S W Wen, K S Joseph, M S Kramer, K Demissie, L Oppenheimer, R Liston, A Allen for the Fetal and Infant Mortality Study Group, Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Recent secular trends in fetal and infant outcomes among post-term pregnancies. Chronic Disease in Canada, 2001; 22:1-5. 公卫论坛
53. M S Kramer, R Platt, L Mery, K S Joseph, S W Wen. A new and improved population-based reference of birth weight for gestational age. Pediatrics Electronic Edition, August 2001.
54. S W Wen, K Demissie, D August, G G Rhoads. Level of aggregation for optimal analysis in epidemiology. The case of time to surgery and unnecessary removal of normal appendix. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2001; 55:198-203. 公卫考场
55. S Liu, S W Wen, K Demissie, S Marcoux, M S Kramer. Maternal asthma and pregnancy outcomes: A retrospective cohort study. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2001; 184:90-6.
56. S W Wen, M S Kramer, S Marcoux, S Liu, R Liston, A Ohlsson. Comparison of maternal and infant outcomes between vacuum extraction and forceps deliveries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2001; 153:103-7.


57. S W Wen, K Demissie, S Liu. Adverse outcomes in pregnancies of asthmatic women: results from a Canadian population. Annuals of Epidemiology, 2001; 11:7-12.
58. K S Joseph, M S Kramer, A Allen, L Mery, R Platt, S W Wen. Implausible birth weight for gestational age. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2001; 153:110-3. 公卫人
59. E S Bland, L Oppenheimer, P Holmes, S W Wen. The effect of income pooling within a call group on rates of obstetric intervention. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2001; 164:337-9.
60. S W Wen, S Liu, M S Kramer, K S Joseph, S Marcoux, C Levitt, R Liston. The impact of prenatal glucose screening on the diagnosis and consequences of gestational diabetes. American Journal of Epidemiology, 2000; 152:1009-14.

61. S W Wen, K Demissie, S Liu, S Marcoux, M S Kramer. Placenta previa and male sex at birth: results from a large population in the Canadian province of Quebec. Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiology, 2000; 14:300-4.
62. K S Joseph, M S Kramer, A Allen, M Cyr, M Fair, A Ohlsson, S W Wen. Gestational age- and birth weight-specific declines in infant mortality in Canada, 1985-94. Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiology, 2000; 14:332-9. 公卫论坛
63. S Liu, R Simunovic, C Waters, S W Wen, L S. Mery, Yang Mao. Clues to the etiologic heterogeneity of testicular seminoma and non-seminomas: time trends and age-period-cohort effects. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2000; 29:826-31.
64. C Y Li, S C Wu, S W Wen. Lifetime longest-held occupation and risk of disability in activities of daily living. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2000; 57:550-554. 公卫考场
65. S Liu, R Simunovic, C Waters, S W Wen, Y Mao. Time trends and sex patterns in Hodgkin’s disease incidence in Canada, 1970-1995. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2000; 91:188-192.
66. H Lei, S W Wen. Distribution of placenta grading by gestational week. Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, 2000; 22:374-377.

67. S W Wen, J Rouleau, R B Lowry, B Kinakin, S Anderson-Redick, B Sibbald, T Turner. Congenital anomalies ascertained by two record systems run in parallel in the Canadian province of Alberta. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2000; 91:193-196.
68. S W Wen, S Liu, K S Joseph, J Rouleau, A Allen. Patterns of infant mortality caused by congenital anomalies. Teratology, 2000; 61:342-346. 公卫家园
69. S W Wen, M S Kramer, S Liu, S Dzakpasu, R Sauve for the Fetal and Infant Mortality Study Group, Canadian Perinatal Surveillance System. Infant mortality by gestational age and birth weight among Canadian provinces and territories, 1990-1994 births. Chronic Disease in Canada, 2000; 21:14-22. 公卫人
70. M Fair, M Cyr, A Allen, S W Wen, G Guyon, R C MacDonald. An assessment of the validity of a computer system for probabilistic record linkage of birth and infant death records in Canada. Chronic Disease in Canada, 2000; 21:8-13.
71. S Liu, S W Wen, D McMillan, K Trouton, D Fowler, C McCourt. The association between decreased length of hospital stay at birth and increased neonatal readmission rates in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2000; 91:46-50.



1. S W Wen. Chapters in: labour induction, rate of operative vaginal deliveries, postterm birth rate, fetal growth: small-for-gestational age rate, large-for-gestational age rate, fetal and infant mortality rates, multiple birth rate. (Contributing author). In: Bureau of Reproductive and Child Health. Perinatal Health Report. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000. 公卫人
2. S W Wen. Chapters in: labour induction, rate of operative vaginal deliveries, and rate of early maternal discharge from hospital after childbirth, rate of early neonatal discharge from hospital after birth, postterm birth rate, and fetal growth: small-for-gestational age rate, large-for-gestational age rate, multiple birth rates. In: Bureau of Reproductive and Child Health. Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada. A Resource Manual. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000.


3. S W Wen. Chapter in: Pregnancy outcomes (including abortion). In: Women’s Health Status Report: A Multidimensional Look At The Health of Canadian Women. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2002.
4. S W Wen. Chapter in: Reproductive health (including breastfeeding). In: Women’s Health Status Report: A Multidimensional Look At The Health of Canadian Women. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2002. 公卫百科






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