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Qinjian Zhao, Ph.D. 赵勤俭
Professor in Biochemistry and Vaccinology 教授 博导


Dr. Qinjian Zhao got his undergraduate and graduate training in pharmaceutical sciences in Peking University (1981 – 1989). Then he moved on to pursue a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry in The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC (1989-1993).   Subsequently, he did post-doctoral training in School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University (1993-1997), focusing on protein structure and enzyme function. In 1997, Qinjian joined Merck Research Lab, Bioprocess R&D, working on the analytical and structural aspects of recombinant protein based vaccines, such as Recombivax HB and HPV vaccine/Gardasil. In vitro relative potency assays and developing and characterizing key immunochemical reagents are the main area of expertise – in support of vaccine development. After ~14 years’ work at Merck (1997-2011), Dr. Zhao joined Xiamen University in 2011, as part of the state “Thousand Talent Program”, working on diagnostics and vaccine/biologics development.  Dr. Qinjian Zhao co-authored about 50 peer reviewed papers and 4 book chapters. 公卫考场

1981-1989年在北京医科大学学习并获得药物化学学士、硕士学位。1989-1993年在美国天主教大学获得生物有机化学博士。1993-1997年,在约翰•霍普金斯大学医学院从事酶学和结构生物学的博士后工作。1997年起在美国默克公司从事生物药物相关的研制工作。2010年入选中组部“千人计划”。2011年起全职担任厦门大学公共卫生学院教授、博导。 公卫考场

Research Interests
The main research area is in the field of vaccine research and development with emphasis on the fundamental understanding of structure-activity relationship of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals and on the establishment of the quality control system for vaccine production and on the facilitation of the CMC (chemistry, manufacturing, and controls) section writing in INDs, NDAs and BLAs. At Merck & Co., he played key roles in the establishment and implementation of critical in vitro relative potency assays for Hepatitis A vaccine (VAQTA®), Hepatitis B vaccine (RECOMBIVAX HB®), HPV vaccine (Gardasil®), second generation HPV vaccine and Pneumo conjugate vaccines.  In Xiamen University, his main focus is to understand the mode of action of vaccine or therapeutic protein (TP) candidates and set up quality control system for vaccines (such as Hep E vaccine, Hecolin®) and biologics being developed at NIDVD to track the key product attributes to facilitate process monitoring & optimization and to assure vaccine and TP safety and efficacy.  


主要研究方向为疫苗开发,构效关系确立,佐剂及抗原-佐剂间的相互作用分析,疫苗质控体系的建立等研发及产业化的关键领域。在美国默克公司期间领导一个核心团队负责所有产品的关键生化免疫分析。利用多种生化、物化及免疫分析手段开创疫苗和治疗性蛋白的等效性评价的新思路,并应用于多种产品的开发和改进,保证产品的工艺优化和生产的重现性与稳定性,建立的关键体外效力测定方法已用于HPV疫苗,甲肝疫苗和乙肝疫苗等产品的常规放行及稳定性测定。在疫苗和生物药物的研发中, 研究工作将着重于疫苗开发,构效关系确立,佐剂及抗原-佐剂间的相互作用分析,疫苗质控体系, 尤其是体外效力测定方法的建立等研发及产业化的关键领域。







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