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楼超华(1960~), 博士生导师,研究组长,学科带头人。




1979.09-1983.07     上海第一医学院卫生系       本科
1986.09-1989.07     上海医科大学研究生院       硕士
1996.01-1997.01     Johns Hopkins University   博士后




1) 高尔生楼超华涂晓雯,Iqbal H Shah. 青少年及未婚青年生殖健康现状、展望及策略。第二军医大学出版社,上海:2002
2) Gao Ersheng, Iqbal H Shah,Lou Chaohua, Tu Xiaowen. Reproductive health of adolescents and unmarried youth: status, perspective and strategies. Reproduction and Contraception 2003; Special Issue
3) 高尔生,涂晓雯,赵双玲,方利文. 中国青少年和未婚青年生殖健康研究结果文献综述。中国人口出版社,北京:2002
4) 楼超华,高尔生,涂晓雯. 青少年生殖健康教育/服务研讨会论文集,《生殖与避孕》第24卷增刊,2004

1) Chao-hua Lou, Quan Zhao, Er-sheng Gao, Iqbal H. Shah. Can the Internet be used effectively to provide sex education to young people in China? Journal of Adolescent Health 2006; 39(5): 720-728
2) Lou Chaohua, Wang Bo, Shen Yan, Gao Ersheng. Effects of a Community-based Sex Education and Reproductive Health Service Program on Contraceptive Use of Unmarried Youths in Shanghai. Journal of Adolescent Health 2004; 34:433-440.
3) Xiaowen Tu, Chaohua Lou, Ersheng Gao, Iqbal H. Shah. Long-term effects of a communite-based program on contraceptive use among sexually active unmarried youth in Shanghai, China. Journal of Adolescent Health 2008; 42(3): 249-258
4) Yan Cheng, Chao-Hua Lou, Lisa M. Mueller, Shuang-Ling Zhao, Jian-Hua Yang, Xiao-Wen Tu, Er-Sheng Gao. Effectiveness of a school-based AIDS education program among rural students in HIV high epidemic area of China. Journal of Adolescent Health 2008; 42(2): 184-191
5) Chao-hua Lou, Quan Zhao, Er-sheng Gao. Reproductive health knowledge level of high school and university students in Shanghai. Journal of Reproduction & Contraception (English Edition) 2006; 17(4): 275-279
6) Yan Cheng, Chao-hua Lou, Jian-hua Yang, Shuang-ling Zhao, Er-sheng Gao. Evaluation of impact of life-planning skills training among senior high school students in Shangcai County. Journal of Reproduction & Contraception (English Edition) 2006; 17(4): 229-238
7) Xiao-jin Wang, Chao-hua Lou, Xiaowen Tu, Er-sheng Gao. Relationship between contraceptive knowledge, cognition and behaviors among vocational high school students. Journal of Reproduction & Contraception (English Edition) 2006; 17(4): 239-248
8) 楼超华,王筱金程艳,涂晓雯,高尔生。职校学生的异性交往和性行为状况及其影响因素. 中国公共卫生 2007;23(8):985-986
9) 楼超华,赵泉,高尔生. 通过英特网干预对提高高中学生性与生殖健康知识的效果. 复旦学报(医学版)2005;32(3):289-94
10) 楼超华,赵泉,高尔生.青少年通过英特网获取相关性知识现况调查. 中国公共卫生 2005;21(9):1043-1044
11) 楼超华,沈燕,高尔生,涂晓雯. 不同特征未婚流动人口性相关行为的发生状况. 生殖与避孕 2005;25(12):738-744
12) 楼超华. 学校是开展青少年性教育的最佳场所. 人口研究 2002;26(6):25-6
13) 楼超华,彭猛业,涂晓雯,高尔生。婚前避孕措施使用状况及其影响因素分析。生殖与避孕 2002;22(4):226-30
14) 楼超华, 高尔生, 贺佳, 贺宪民. 生殖健康综合评价模型的研究——生殖健康综合评价指标的筛选. 生殖与避孕 2001;21(1):33-9
15) 楼超华,扬培娟,高尔生. 口服避孕药妇女桡骨远端骨密度的测定. 中华妇产科杂志2000;35(2):116

