职 称: | |
教授 博导 | |
通信地址: | |
广州市南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院放射医学系 | |
Email: | |
dingzh@fimmu.com | |
职 务: | |
放射医学系主任 | |
职称级别: | |
正高 | |
学术任职: | |
广东省医学会放射防护医学分会主任委员,中华医学会放射医学与防护专业委员会常委。等。中华放射医学与 | |
最高学历: | |
博士 | |
所属科室: | |
放射医学系 | |
研究方向: | |
1.miRNA在细胞应激反应信号转导中的调节作用; 2.放射卫生与放射防护技术。 | |
科研项目: | |
近三年负责课题 公卫百科 国家自然科学基金(30970673、81172634); 广东省自然科学基金(9151022501000013); 教育部博士点基金项目(20094433110004),等。 | |
成果奖励: | |
近三年没有成果和奖励。 | |
代表论文: | |
公卫考场 二、主要论文 1.Ding Zhenhua, et al. Inhibitory effect of china green tea polyphenol on the oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein by macrophage. Med Sci Res 1991; 19(22):767-768 2.Ding Z, Parchment RE, LoRusso PM, et al. The 公卫百科 investigational new drug XK469 induces G2-M cell cycle arrest by p53-dependent and –independent pathways. Clin Cancer Res 2001;7:3336 3.Wu GS & Ding Z. Caspase 9 is required for p53- dependent apoptosis and chmosensitivity in a human 公卫家园 ovarian cencer cell line. Oncogene 2002; 21(1):1 4.Zhenhua Ding, Jun-Ying Zhou, Wei-Zen Wei, Vicki V Baker and Gen Sheng Wu. Induction of apoptosis by the new anticancer drug XK469 in human ovarian cancer cell lines. Oncogene 2002;21:4530 公卫人 5.Jing Jiao, Hong Cao, Zhen-hua Ding. EJGH 2007;19(12):1114 6.Ling Guo, Zhong-Xi Huang, Xiao-Wei Chen, Qin-Kai Deng and Zhen-Hua Ding.Photochem Photobiol, 2009; 85: 765 7.Fang Gao, Xiaoqun Duan, Xi Lu, Yongming Liu, Li Zheng, Zhenhua Ding, Jun Li. Novel binding between pre- 公卫家园 membrane protein and claudin-1 is required for efficient dengue virus entry. BBRC, 2010; 391:952 8.Mei-Juan ZHOU, Wei-Ling LIU, Ling GUO, Li ZHENG, Chao LV, Li-Hong JIANG, Cheng-Shan OU and Zhen-Hua DING. Differential Responses to UVB Irradiation in Human 公卫家园 Keratinocytes and Epidermoid Carcinoma Cells1. Biomed Envirm Sci,2012;21(5):583 9.Meijuan Zhou; Weilin Liu; Shudong Ma; Hong Cao; Xuebiao Peng; Ling Guo; Xinghua Zhou; Li Zhen; Linlang Guo; Miaojian Wan; Weimin Shi; Yingjie He; Chao Lu; 公卫论坛 Lihong Jiang; Chenshan Ou; Yuanxia Guo; Zhenhua Ding.A Novel OncomiR-365 Induces Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Carcinogenesis, 2013; doi:10.1093/carcin/bgt097 |