1. 流行病学方法和卫生统计学
2. 生殖健康流行病学
3. 健康促进与健康教育:控烟、艾滋病预防
4. 社区慢性病预防与行为干预
1. 肺癌中西医治疗方案疗效的真实世界研究;国家重点研发项目课题(2018YFC1705103) 公卫论坛
2. 基于IMB模型的跨性别男男性行为者艾滋病高危行为干预策略研究;国家自然科学基金面上项目(71673187) 公卫考场
3. 城市流动人口未婚女性生殖健康促进模型和ROCCIPI循证卫生决策研究;国家自然科学基金面上项目(71273174)
4. 基于IMB模型的上海市MSM人群艾滋病高危行为的社会心理因素研究;上海市科委浦江人才项目(14PJC076) 公卫百科
5. 中学生吸烟的社会文化心理因素及PRECEDE-PROCEED控烟模式和策略研究;教育部人文与社会科学项目(12YJC840001)
6. 上海交通大学文理交叉: 基于社会认知理论的MSM人群艾滋病高危行为研究;上海交通大学14JCRY03 公卫人
1. Rui Li,Yong Cai(并列第一和通讯),Ying Wang,Feng Gan,Rong Shi. Psychological pathway to suicidal ideation among men who have sex with men in Shanghai, China: a structural equation model. Journal of Psychiatric Research.2016,83:203-210. (IF=4.465)
2. Cai Y, Wang Z, Lau JT, Li J, Ma T, Liu Y. Prevalence and associated factors of condomless receptive anal intercourse with male clients among transgender women sex workers in Shenyang, China. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 2016;19(3Suppl 2):20800. doi:10.7448/IAS.19.3.20800. (IF=6.256) 公卫百科
3. Li R, Cai Y(并列第一和通讯), Wang Y, Sun Z, Zhu C, Tian Y, Jiang X, Gan F. Psychosocial Syndemic Associated With Increased Suicidal Ideation Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Shanghai, China. Health Psychol. 2016,35(2):148-156. (IF=3.611)
4. Cai Y(并列第一和通讯), Li R, Zhu J, Na L, He Y, et al. (2015) Personality, Perceived Environment, and Behavior Systems Related to Future Smoking Intentions among Youths: An Application of Problem-Behavior Theory in Shanghai, China. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0122276. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122276. (IF=3.234)
5. Cai Y, and Lau JTF: Multi-dimensional factors associated with unprotected anal intercourse with regular partners among Chinese men who have sex with men in Hong Kong: a respondent-driven sampling survey. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014 14:205. (IF=2.561) 公卫论坛
6. Wang, Y.; Yao, W.; Shang, M.; Cai, Y.(通讯作者); Shi, R.; Ma, J.; Wang, J.; Song, H. Sexual and Reproductive Health among Unmarried Rural-Urban Female Migrants in Shanghai China: A Comparative Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2013, 10(8): 3578-3589. (IF=1.998) 公卫百科
7. Cai Y, Wang Y, Zheng Z, Wang J, Yao W, et al. Predictors of Reducing Sexual and Reproductive Risk Behaviors Based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model among Unmarried Rural-To-Urban Female Migrants in Shanghai, China. PLoS ONE 2013,8(4): e62787. 公卫百科
8. Cai Y, Ye XX, Shi R,Xu G,Shen LX,et al. Predictors of consistent condom use based on the Information-Motivation-Behavior Skill (IMB) model among senior high school students in three coastal cities in China. BMC Infectious Diseases 2013,13:262. (IF=3.03)
9. Zhu C, Cai Y (并列第一和通讯作者), Ma J, Li N, Zhu J, et al. (2013) Predictors of Intention to Smoke among Junior High School Students in Shanghai, China: An
Empirical Test of the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) Model. PLoS ONE 8(11): e80482. (IF=3.73) 公卫人
10. Cai Y, Shi R, Song HJ, Shang Ml, Shen T, et al. Effects of lung support formula on respiratory symptoms among older adults: results of a three-month follow-up study in Shanghai, China. Nutrition Journal 2013,12:57. (IF=2.648) 公卫论坛
11. Xiuxia Ye, Meili Shang, Tian Shen, Bei Pei, Xueqin Jiang, Yong Cai(通讯作者). Social, psychological, and environmental-structural factors determine consistent condom use among rural-to-urban migrant female sex workers in Shanghai China. BMC Public Health 2012,3;12(1):599. ( IF=2.02) 公卫百科
12. Yong Cai , Lin Lu , Na Li , Jingfen Zhu, Yaping He, Pamela Redmon, Abhinav Goyal, Cheng Huang , Yun Qiao, Jin Ma. Social, Psychological And Environmental-Structural Factors Associated with Tobacco Experimentation among Adolescents in Shanghai China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2012, 9(10): 3421-3436 ( IF=1.605) 公卫百科
13. Yong Cai, Rong Shi, Tian Shen, Bei Pei, Xueqin Jiang, Xiuxia Ye, Gang Xu, Shenghui Li, Hong Huang and Meili Shang .A study of HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitude and behaviors among female sex workers in Shanghai China. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:377. (IF=2.364) 公卫家园
14. Y Cai , H Hong, R Shi.Long-term follow-up study on peer-led school-based HIV/AIDS prevention among youths in Shanghai ,International Journal of STD & AIDS 2008; 19: 848–850.(IF=1.082) 公卫考场
1. 医学统计学
2. 预防医学(渥太华)
3. 流行病学
4. 健康教育与健康促进
5. 同性恋亚文化与生殖健康 公卫考场