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Wei Wang

Name: Wei WANG





Current Post:Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry, Supervisor of Doctoral Programs,
Principal Investigator
1. Bachelor of Medicine (1989), Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1984-1989, Specialty: Acupuncture
2. Docteur en Sciences Biomedicales Experimentales (= Ph.D.) (1995), University of Liège, Belgium, 1993-1995, Specialty: Clinical Neuroscience
1. General Medical Doctor, Hospital of Hefei Steel Company, 1990-1991
2. Research Assistant, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Pharmacology, The Netherlands, 1992,
3. Research Assistant, University of Liège, Department of Neurology, Belgium, 1993-1995
4. Postdoctoral Training (1995.9-1996.3), University of Liège, Department of Neurology, Belgium, Boss: Professor Dr. Jean Schoenen
5. Department of Neurology, Anhui Provincial Hospital, 1996.10.-1997.6.
6. Division of Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy, Anhui Provincial Hospital, 1997.7.-2004.5
7. Department of Clinical Psychology, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, 2004.6-
8. Department of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang University School of Sciences, 2007.1-
9. Department of Psychiatry, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, 2007.9-
Clinical Interests
1. Normal and abnormal cognitive processes
2. Normal and disordered personality traits
3.Diagnosis and Management of Personality disorders and related psychiatric and psychological pathologies
4. Management of primary headaches
Grants Received
1. 2005-2008, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Young Investigator’s Fund, Department of Health, Zhejiang Province. The observation of the dialectic behavioral therapy on the antisocial personality disorder sufferers
2. 2006-2008, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 151 Intelligence Fund of Zhejiang Province,
3. 2007-2009, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, The Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, Personality trait and cerebral information processing characteristics of the treatment-resistant depression
4. 2008-2010, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, The Natural Science Foundation of China, Traits of borderline personality disorder and characteristics of ERPs to facial emotions in treatment-resistant depression
5. 2010-2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, The Natural Science Foundation of China, Cognitive and personality bases of musical illusion perception in schizophrenia
Papers and Publications:
1.Schoenen J*, Wang W, Gerard P. Modulation of temporalis muscle exteroceptive suppression by limb stimuli in normal man. Brain Research 1994; 657: 214-220. (SCI)
2.Wang W, Schoenen J*. Reduction of temporalis exteroceptive suppression by peripheral electrical stimulation in migraine and tension-type headaches. Pain 1994; 59: 327-334. (SCI)
3.Wang W, De Pasqua V, Gerard P, Schoenen J*. Specificity and sensitivity of temporalis ES2 measurements in the diagnosis of chronic primary headaches. Headache 1995; 35: 85-88. (SCI)
4.Wang W, Schoenen J, Timsit-Berthier M*. Cognitive functions in migraine without aura between attacks: a psychophysiological approach using the “Oddball” paradigm. Neurophysiologie Clinique 1995: 25: 3-11. (SCI/SSCI)
5.Schoenen J*, Wang W, Albert A, Delwaide PJ. Potentiation instead of habituation characterizes visual evoked potentials in migraine patients between attacks. European Journal of Neurology 1995; 2: 115-122. (SCI)
6.Maertens de Noordhout A*, Wang W, Schoenen J. Clinical neurophysiology and neurotransmitters. Cephalalgia 1995; 15: 301-309. Review. (SCI/SSCI).
7.Wang W, Timsit-Berthier M, Schoenen J*. Intensity dependence of auditory evoked potentials is pronounced in migraine: an indication of cortical potentiation and low serotonergic neurotransmission? Neurology 1996; 46: 1404-1409. (SCI)
8.Wang W, Schoenen J*. Suppression of voluntary temporalis muscle activity by peripheral limb stimulation in healthy volunteers, migraineurs and tension-type headache sufferers. Functional Neurology 1996; 11: 307-315. (SCI)
9.Saxena PR*, de Vries P, Wang W, Heiligers JPC, Maassen van den Brink A, Bax WA, Yocca FD. Effects of avitriptan, a new 5-HT1D/1B receptor agonist, in experimental models predictive of antimigraine activity and coronary side-effect potential. Naunyn-Schiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology 1997; 355: 295-302. (SCI)
10.Wang W, Schoenen J*. Interictal potentiation of passive “oddball” event-related potentials in migraine. Cephalalgia 1998; 18: 261-265. (SCI/SSCI)
11.Wang W*, Wang Y, Fu X, Sun Z, Schoenen J. Auditory evoked potentials and multiple personality measures in migraine and post-traumatic headaches. Pain 1999; 79: 235-242. (SCI)
12.Wang W*, Mei X, Du L, Lu S, Fu X, Wang Y. Personality correlates of auditory augmenting response to clicks repeated around 2 Hz. Journal of Neural Transmission 1999; 106: 559-568. (SCI)
13.Wang W*, Wang G, Ding X, Wang Y. Personality and response to repeated visual stimulation in migraine and tension-type headaches. Cephalalgia 1999; 19: 718-724. (SCI/SSCI)
14.Wang W*, Wu Y, Peng Z, Lu S, Yu L, Wang G, Fu X, Wang Y. Test of sensation seeking in a Chinese sample. Personality and Individual Differences 2000; 28: 169-179. (SSCI)
15.Wu Y, Wang W*, Du W, Li J, Jiang X, Wang Y. Development of a Chinese version of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire: Reliabilities and gender/ age effects. Social Behavior and Personality 2000; 28: 241-250. (SSCI)
16.Wang W*, Fu X, Wang Y. Temporalis exteroceptive suppression in generalized anxiety disorder and major depression. Psychiatry Research 2000; 96: 149-155. (SCI/SSCI)
17.Wang W*, Zhu S, Pan L, Hu A, Wang Y. Mismatch negativity and personality traits in chronic primary insomniacs. Functional Neurology 2001; 16: 3-10. (SCI)
18.Wang W*, Wang Y. Sensation seeking correlates of passive auditory P3 to a single stimulus. Neuropsychologia 2001; 39: 1188-1193. (SCI/SSCI)
19.Wang W*, Du W, Liu P, Liu J, Wang Y. Five-factor personality measures in Chinese university students: effects of one-child policy. Psychiatry Research 2002; 109: 37-44. (SCI/SSCI)
20.Cao M, Zhang S, Wang K, Wang Y, Wang W*. Personality traits in migraine and tension-type headaches: a five-factor model study. Psychopathology 2002; 35: 254-258. (SCI/SSCI)




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