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Lu Li

SEX: male
DATE of BIRTH: 24th september 1959
ADDRESS: 388 Yuhang Tang Road, Hangzhou, China, 310058
EMAIL ADRESS: Lilu@zju.edu.cn
1978-1982, Zhejiang Medical University, Bachelor of Medicine;
1990-1993, Shanghai Medical University, Master of Public Health;
1995-1996, Indiana University, Research Scholar;
1983-1990, Zhejiang Medical University, lecturer;
1994-1998, Zhejiang Medical University, associated professor;
1998-, Zhejiang University, Professor.
Rural migrants health, social determinants and public health policies;
Development of tools for measuring psychosocial wellbeing in Chinese populations (SF-36);
Rural Health;
Community health services and family doctors training.
1. Improving access to quality healthcare for rural and urban poor in China, DFID, 2008-2012.
2. Research on public health policies of migrants in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Public Health Commission, 2008-2009.
3. The impact of High Sex Ratios in Urban and Rural China. ESRC, 2008-2013.
4. Study on the impact of chronic diseases, HRQoL on health service utilization, Ministry of Health research fund, 2006-2008.
5. Research on rural migrants’ health in China, Welcome Trust, 2003-2006.
6. Impact of community common chronic diseases on patients’ health related quality of life and diseases management strategies, Chinese National Science Fund, 2007-2009.
1. Li Lu, Wang HM, Ye XJ, et al. The mental health status of Chinese rural-urban migrant workers: comparison with permanent urban and rural dwellers. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 2007, 42(9):716-22.
2. Li Lu,Jiang MM,et al,Problems exiting in reform of joint-stock system in township health center and countermeasures. Journal of Chinese Health Service management. 2008, 18(4):239-240.
3. Chen TH, Yang CH, DU YP, Li Lu. Electronic Measurement of Health - Related Quality of Life with Software QL – Recorder. Chinese General Practice, 2006,9(23): 1988-1989.
4. Chen TH, Li Lu. Electronic health related quality of life software QL-Recorder. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2006,40(4):280-280.
5. Chen TH, Li Lu, Joerg M. Single et al. Comparison on the First Version and the Second Version of SF-36. Chinese Journal of Social Medicine, 2006,23(2):111-114.
6. Yan Zheng, Ke XQ, Ye XN et al. Association of the Behavior Problems of School-age Children with Gender, Age and Registered Permanent Residence. Journal of West China Unversity of Medical Science, 2006,37(2):288-291.
7. Li Lu, Yu DZ. Relationship of health human capital with personal income and economic development. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2006,22(2):77-79.
8. Yan Z, Li Lu, Ye XJ et al. Epidemiological study on the knowledge of AIDS/SID of migrant workers. Journal of Hygiene Research,2006,35(1):117-119.
9. Chen TH, Li Lu, KOCHEN et al. A systematic review: How to choose appropriate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures in routine general practice?Journal of Zhejiang University Science, 2005, 6(9): 936-940.
10. Yan Zheng, Ke XQ, Ye XJ et al. An Epidemiology Study on Behavior Problem of School Children from Different Schools where Students Resided in the Same Area. Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science), 2005,26(4): 63-66.
11. Hesketh T, Li Lu, Xing ZW. The effect of China's one-child family policy after 25 years. N Engl J Med. 2005, 353(11): 1171-1176.
12. Li Lu, Xing ZW, Jun Z, Hesketh T. Reform of primary care in China. Lancet. 2005, 366(9480):120-120.
13. Li Lu, Geng AIS,Jiang Mm. Contributions of health service to the improvement of health. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration,2004,20(7):11-13.
14. Li Lu,Liang WN,Yang Jing et al. Suggestions on training channels of professionalization for health managerial personnel. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration,2004,20(9):529-531.
15. Ye XJ, Shi WX, Li Lu. A study on awareness of sexually-transmitted disease / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and related factors among migrant workers. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine,2004,28(5):316-320.
16. Li Lu, Liang WN, Yang Jing et al. Current situation of and career training channels for health managerial personnel. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration,2004,20(9):522-524.
17. Li Lu, Jiang MM, Liang WN et al. Study on the current situation of career training for health managerial personnel. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2004, 20(9):524-527.
18. Li Lu, Jiang MM, Liang WN et al. Study on training experiences and demands of professionalization for health managerial personnel. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration, 2004,20(9):527-529.
19. Li Lu, TH Chen, YP Du, HM Wang, JW Li. Incomes of general practitioners in China. Fam Med. 2003.
20. Jiang Minmin, Li Lu. Psychological tests of the SF-36 scales in hemodialysis patients. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science,2003,12(1):31-33.
21. Geng Aisheng, Li Lu, Jiang MM. Analyses of Health Contribution to Economic Growth. Chinese Rural Health Service Administration,2003,23(9):3-6.
22. Li Lu,Wang HM,Shen Y. Development and psychometric tests of a Chinese version of the SF-36 health survey scales. Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2002,36(2):109-113.
23. Li Lu,Jiang MM et al. Reform of the cooperative business operation system of township public health centers. Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration. 2002,18(12):705-708.




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