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李克、男、博士学历、教授、博士生导师、汕头大学医学院公共卫生与预防医学教研室主任。 公卫人




1. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. Economic status, smoking, occupational exposure to rubber, and lung cancer: A case-cohort study. J Environ Sci Health C-Envir. 2002; 20: 21-28. 公卫人

2. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. Leukemia mortality and occupational exposure to rubber: A nested case-control study. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2002; 204: 317-321.


3. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. A nested case-control study on risk of pancreatic cancer among workers in the rubber industry. Pancreas. 2002; 24: 417-418,7. 公卫百科

4. Li Ke. Mortality in a Chinese rubber factory: A prospective cohort study. J Occup Health.  2002; 44: 76-82.


5. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. Novel epidemiologic evidence for the association between fermented fish sauce and esophageal cancer in South China. Int J Cancer. 2002; 99: 424-426.


6. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. Oesophageal cancer and occupational exposure to rubber: a nested case-control study. Ann Occup Hyg. 2000; 44: 355-359.


7. Li Ke, Yu Shunzhang. Economic status and occupational correlates of stomach cancer in the rubber industry. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 1999; 12: 345-352. 公卫论坛

8. Ke L, Yu P, Zhang ZX, Huang SS, Huang G, Ma XH. Congou tea drinking and oesophageal cancer in South China. Brit J Cancer. 2002; 86: 346-347.


9. Li Ke. Mortality and incidence trends from esophagus cancer in selected geographic areas of China circa 1970-90. Int J Cancer. 2002; 102: 271-274.


10. Li K, Yu P. Food groups and risk of esophageal cancer in Chaoshan region of China: A high-risk area of esophageal cancer. Cancer Investigation.2003; 21: 231–234.


11. Ke L, Ping Y, Ge H. Epidemiological study of risk factors of esophageal cancer in South China. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2002; 11: PD130.


12. Ke L, Ping Y, Ge H. Protective action of fresh fruit and vegetable consumption on the synergic effect of alcohol and tobacco use on esophageal cancer in south China. Nutrition. 2003; 19: 821. 公卫家园

13. Song FY, Toshiro T, Li K, Yu P, Lin XK, Yang HL, Deng XL, Zhang YQ, Lv LW, Huang XE, Kazuo T. Development of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire for middle-aged inhabitants in the Chaoshan area, China. World J Gastroenterol. 2005; 11: 4078-4084. (Corresponding author) 公卫人

14. Ke L, Toshiro T, Fengyan S, Ping Y, Xiaoling D, Kazuo T. Relative Validity of a Semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire Versus 3 day Weighed Diet Records in Middle-aged Inhabitants in Chaoshan Area, China. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2005; 6: 376-81.


15. Li K, Takezaki T, Lv LW, Yu P, Song FY, Tajima K. Reproducibility of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire in Chaoshan area, China. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2005; 6: 521-526.


16. Li K, Takezaki T, Song FY, Yu P, Lin XK, Yang HL, Deng XL, Zhang YQ, Lv LW, Huang XE, Tajima K. The KOJACH food frequency questionnaire for Chaoshan, China: development and description. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2006; 15: 153-160.   公卫百科

17. Li Ke, Zhang Yu Qi, Yu Ping and Cheng Yi Ren. Effect of SNP at position 40237 in exon 7 of the TPH2 gene on susceptibility to suicide. Brain Research. 2006;1122(1):24-26.


18. Changsong Zhang, Zhengyou Li, Yue Cheng, FengqiJia, Rong Li, Mengchao Wu, Ke Li, Lixin Wei1. CpGIslandMethylator PhenotypeAssociation with Elevated Serum A-Fetoprotein Level in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2007;13: 944-952. (Instructorr) 公卫百科

19. Zhang C, Li K, Wei L, Li Z, Yu P, Teng L, Wu K, Zhu J. p300 expression repression by hypermethylation associated with tumour invasion and metastasis in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. J Clin Pathol. 2007; 60: 1249-1253. (Corresponding author) 公卫论坛

20. Wu K, Li K. Association between esophageal cancer and drought in China by using Geographic Information System. Environ Int.. 2007; 33: 603-608. (Instructorr) 公卫百科

21. 李克 主编. 临床科研方法-原则与纲要. 江西科学技术出版社, 2003. 公卫家园




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