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乔友林,男,1955 年4月10日生于四川省成都市,博士学历,教授,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。1991 年至1997 年任美国国家医学科学院国家癌症研究所癌预防控制部正式研究员;1997 年至1998 年任中国医学科学院肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所肿瘤流行病学研究室副研究员、室主任;1998 年至今任中国医学科学院北京协和医学院肿瘤医院肿瘤研究所肿瘤流行病学研究室研究员、室主任。



教育经历: 编辑本段

1980年: 四川成都,华西医科大学公共卫生专业毕业
1983年: 辽宁大连,大连医科大学, 肿瘤流行病学硕士 (硕士论文:卵巢癌高危因素的病例对照研究)
1996年: 美国约翰.霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院, 环境医学(流行病)博士(博士论文:云南锡矿工肺癌早期生物标志物的前瞻性研究)



工作经历: 编辑本段

1980年: 中国医学科学院医学生物学研究所 (昆明〕, 实习研究员
1983-1985年: 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所 / 肿瘤医院 (北京〕, 实习研究员
1986-1989年: 美国国家医学科学院国家癌症研究所进修
1989年 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所营养与肿瘤实验室,实习研究员


1991-1997年: 美国国家医学科学院国家癌症研究所癌预防控制部, 正式研究雇员;
1997-5/1998: 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所 / 肿瘤医院,肿瘤流行病学研究室(北京〕; 副研究员,室主任。
6/1998- 中国医学科学院肿瘤研究所 / 肿瘤医院,肿瘤流行病学研究室(北京〕; 研究员,室主任。


 1986年 美国国家癌症研究所癌预防控制部,肿瘤预防与控制高级训练班
1988年 美国国家医学图书馆初级培训
1991年 美国约翰.霍普金斯大学医学院细胞病理学习班
1998年 中国协和医科大学-美国北卡大学-昆泰乐领导管理学培训班



 1997年- 中国协和医科大学临床医学,肿瘤流行病学课程
1997年- 中国医学科学院,中国协和医科大学研究生院,肿瘤流行病学课程


著作及论文 : 编辑本段

乔友林等,大连地区卵巢癌流行病学研究。大连医学院报 1983年; 第5卷,第2期: 第23-27页.
蔡桂凤,乔友林等, 卵巢癌发病因素探讨。 大连医学院报 1984年; 第6卷, 第3期: 第54-58页.
乔友林等,卵巢癌高危险因素的病例对照研究。中华流行病杂志 1988年; 第九卷,第五期:第269-273页。


金玉生,刘伯齐,乔友林等,改良波动实验对云锡矿工尿中致突变物的检测。 肿瘤防治杂志 1988;第15卷,第2期: 第97-99页.
Taylor PR, Qiao YL, Schatzkin A, Yao SX, Lubin J, Mao BL, Rao JY, Xuan XZ, Li JY, McAdams M. The relation of arsenic exposure to lung cancer among tin miners in Yunnan Province, China. Br J Ind Med 1989;46:881-6.

Qiao YL, Taylor PR, Yao SX, Schatzkin A, Mao BL, Lubin J, Rao JY, Xuan XZ, Li JY, McAdams M. The relation of radon exposure and tobacco use to lung cancer among tin miners in Yunnan Province, China. Am J Ind Med 1989;16:511-21.
Lubin JG, Qiao YL, Taylor PR, Yao SX, Schatzkin A, Xuan XZ, Mao BL, Rao JY, Li JY. A quantitative evaluation of the radon and lung cancer association in a case control study of Chinese tin miners. Cancer Res 1990;50:174-80. 公卫百科
Xuan XZ, Schatzkin A, Mao BL, Taylor PR, Li JY, Tangrea J, Yao SX, Qiao YL, Giffen C, McAdams M. Feasibility of conducting a lung cancer chemoprevention trial among tin miners in Yunnan, China. Cancer Causes and Control 1991;2:175-182.
Forman MR, Yao SX, Grauband BI, Qiao YL, McAdams M, Mao BL, Taylor PR. The effect of dietary intake of fruits and vegetables on the odds ratio of lung cancer among Yunnan tin miners. Int J Epidemiol 1992;21(3):437-441. 公卫论坛
姜潮,胡克震,刘宗航,乔友林;四分类Logistic回归模型对肺癌分组织类型的多因素研究。 中国卫生统计 1993; 第10卷,第1期: 第8-11页.
Yao SX, Lubin, JH, Qiao YL, Boice JD Jr, Li JY, Cai SK, Zhang FM, Blot WJ. Exposure to radon progeny, tobacco use and lung cancer in a case-control study in southern China. Radiation Res 1994;138:326-336.


Tockman MS, Qiao YL, Li L, Zhao GZ, Sharma R, Cavenough L, and Erozan Y. Safe separation of sputum cells from mucoid glycoprotein preserves surface antigen for immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. Acta Cytologica 1995;39(6):1128-1136.
Qiao YL, Tockman MS, Li L, Erozan YS, Yao SX, Barrett MJ, Zhou WH, Giffen CA, Luo XC, Taylor PR. A case-cohort study of an early biomarker of lung cancer in a screening cohort of Yunnan tin miners in China. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention。 1997;6(11):893-900. 公卫百科
姚树祥,于石成,张颍,倪宗瓒,Philip Taylor, 乔友林。 高危人群慢性支气管炎与肺癌关系的研究。 中国慢性病预防与研究;1997;第5卷第3期: 第103-105页.
于石成,倪宗瓒, 姚树祥,Philip Taylor, 乔友林。 高危人群队列肺癌发病
和死亡分析。 中国肿瘤;1997;第6卷,第9期: 第13-15页.

Tockman MS, Mulshine JL, Piantadosi S, Erozan YS, Gupta PK, Ruckdeschel J, Taylor PR, Zhukov T, Zhou WH, Qiao YL, Yao SX. Prospective detection of preclinical lung cancer: Results from two studies of hnRNP overexpression. Clinical Cancer Research 1997;3: 2237-2246.

Qiao YL, Taylor PR, Yao SX, Erozan YS, Luo XC, Barrett M, Yan QY, Giffen CA, Huang SQ, Maher MM, Forman MR, Tockman MS. Risk factors and early detection of lung cancer in a cohort of Chinese tin miners. Annals Epidemiol. 1997;7(8):533-541. Editorial Comment in: Ann. Epidemiol., 7:530-2, 1997 公卫论坛
姚树祥,乔友林。肺癌流行病学研究进展. Chinese Journal of Lung Cancer 1998;1(1):22-24.
Forman M.R., Zhang J., Nebeling L., Yao S-X, Slesinski M.J., Qiao Y-L, Ross,W., Keith S.,Maher M., Giffin C., Barrett M., Taylor P.R., Graubard B.I. Relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire among tin miners in China: 1992-3 and 1995-6 Diet validation studies. Pub Nutr 1999; Sept.;2(3)301-315. 公卫家园
Forman MR, Yao SX, Gunter, Zhang J, Gross M, Qiao YL, Graubard BI, Taylor PR, Keith S, Maher M. Blood and urinary biomarkers of fruit and vegetable intake among Chinese tin miners at high risk of lung cancer. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1999; Vol. 889:230-239. 公卫人
Beilinson L, Qiao YL, Pretorius R, Zhang WH, Keaton K, Elson P, Fischer C, Lorincz A, Zahniser D, Wilbur D, Pan QJ, Rong SD, Li L, Biscitti C, Dawson A, Li AL, Wu LY, Yang L, Ma CP, and Yang XP. Prevalence of Cervical Cancer and Feasibility of Screening in Rural China: A Pilot Study for the Shanxi Province Cervical Cancer Screening Study. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 1999; 9:411-417.


杨玲,章文华,李爱玲,潘琼镜,吴令英,李凌,戎寿德,杨雪萍,马聪萍,Jerome L.Beilinson, Robert G. Pretorius, 乔友林:山西子宫颈癌筛查方法比较及危险因素的可行性研究。癌症中国肿瘤,(待发表)
Ratnasinghe D, Tangrea JA, Forman MR, Hartman T, Gunter EW, Qiao YL, Yao SX, Barett MJ, Erozan Y, Tockman MS and Taylor PR. Serum tocopherols, selenium and lung cancer risk among tin miners in China. Cancer Causes and Control 2000;11(2):129-135.

Ratnasinghe D, Forman MR, Tangrea JA, Qiao YL, Yao SX, Barett MJ, Erozan Y, Tockman MS and Taylor PR. Serum carotenoids are associated with increased lung cancer risk among alcohol drinkers, but not among non-drinkers in a cohort of tin miners (Submitted to Int. J. Cancer) 公卫百科
乔友林. 肺癌的预防控制研究进展. 肺癌基础研究与临床治疗进展/周清华主编.-北京科学出版社, 1999.9.
乔友林 , 储大同. 肿瘤临床流行病学研究. 肿瘤学/曾益新主编. - 北京:人民卫生出版社, 1999.
晋萍,张建新,姚树祥,孙立清,赵尔娟,张家祥,吕顶华,姜勇,乔友林. 云锡矿公肺癌普查痰细胞学分析,中国肿瘤,1999年,第8卷,第11期, ISSN 1004-0242


Ratnasinghe D, Tangrea JA , Yao SX, Andersen MR, QiaoYL, Sauma S, Barrett MJ, Giffen GA, Erozan Y, Tockman MS and Taylor PR. Polymorphisms of the DNA repair gene XRCC1 and lung cancer risk. (Submitted to Cancer Research).
Steven D. Mark, You-lin Qiao, Sanford M. Dawsey, Yan-Ping Wu, Hormuzd Katki, Elaine W. Gunter, Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr., William J. Blot, Zhi-Wei Dong, Phillip R. Taylor: Higher Serum Selenium is Associated with Lower Esophageal and Gastric Cardia Cancer Rates. (Submitted to JNCI2000. JNCI (in press). 公卫论坛
Limburg PJ, SM Dawsey, YL Qiao, SM Mark, GQ Wang, GI Perez-perez, MJ Blaser, YP Wu, XN Zou, ZW Dong, PR taylor. Helicobacter pylori seropositivity and gastric cardia cancer: Positive association in a prospective, nested case-cohort study from Linxian, China. (Submitted to JNCI) 公卫论坛

Published Abstracts编辑本段

Qiao YL, Schatzkin A, Yao SX, Taylor PR, Rao JY: A case-control study of lung cancer among tin miners in southern China. In: Proceedings of the Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, New Orleans, LA, May 25-28, 1988;29:256. 公卫考场
Taylor PR, Qiao YL, Schatzkin A, Yao SX, Lubin J, Mao BL, Rao JY, McAdams M, Xuan XZ, Li JY: The relation of arsenic exposure to lung cancer among tin miners in Yunnan Province, China. In: Proceedings of Eightieth Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, San Francisco, CA, May 24-27, 1989;30:312.


Forman MR, Yao SX, Graubard BI, Qiao YL, McAdams M, Taylor PR: The effect of dietary intake of fruits and vegetables on the odds ratio of lung cancer among Yunnan tin miners. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Epidemiologic Research, Buffalo, New York, June 12-14, 1991. 公卫考场
Nebeling LC, Slesinski MJ, Ross S, Zhang J, Graubard BI, Yao SX, Snyder RA, Qiao YL, Taylor PR, Forman M: Seasonal intake of foods in the Yunnan tin miners lung cancer study. Annual meeting of the experimental biology, Washington DC, May 1996.
Qiao YL, Tockman MS, Li L, Erozan YS, Yao SX, Barrett MJ, Zhou WH, Giffen CA, Luo XC, Taylor PR. A Case-Cohort Study of Early Biomarkers of Lung Cancer in a Screening Cohort of Yunnan Tin Miners, China. The 21st Annual Meeting of American Society of Preventive Oncology. New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1997. 公卫人
Taylor PR, Qiao YL, Yao SX, Erozan YS, Luo XC, Barrett MJ, Yan QY, Giffen CA, Huang SQ, Maher MM, Forman MR, Tockman MS: Establishment of Biologic Specimen and Data Banks to Study Early Markers and Etiology of Lung Cancer in Chinese Tin Miners. The 21st Annual Meeting of American Society of Preventive Oncology. New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1997. 公卫家园
Wang GQ, Qiao YL: Early Detection of Esophageal Cancer in North-Central China. The 21st Annual Meeting of American Society of Preventive Oncology. New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 1997.
Roth,MJ, Qiao,YL, Rothman,N., Dawsey, S., Strickland, P.T. High urine 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide concentrations in Linxian, China, an area of high risk for esophageal cancer. 公卫家园
Limburg PJ, SM Dawsey, YL Qiao, SM Mark, GQ Wang, GI Perez-perez, MJ Blaser, ZW Dong, PR taylor. Helicobacter Pylori Seropositivity and Gastric Cardia Cancer:Positive Association in a prospective, Nested Case-cohort Study from Linxian, China.
Qiao YL, Belinson J, Zhang WH, Pretorius R, Li L, Elson P, Rong SD, Fischer C, Wu LY, Lorincz A, PanQJ, Zahniser D, Li AL, Zhao FH, Ren SD, Ma JF. Cervical cancer screening in china: feasibility & cost-effectiveness in a rural area. Eurogin 2000. The 4th International Multidisciplinary Congress - Global challenge of cervical cancer prevention human papillomavirus and genital cancers., Paris, France, April 5-9, 2000.

Belinson J, Qiao YL, Pretorius R, Zhang WH, Elson P, RongSD, Fischer C, Li L, Lorincz A, Wu LY, Zahniser D, Pan QJ, Biscotti C, Li AL, Dawson A, Yang L, Ren SD. A cross-sectional comparative trial of multiple techniques to detect cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Eurogin 2000. The 4th International Mutidisplinary Congress - Global challenge of cervical cancer prevention human papillomavirus and genital cancers., Paris, France, April 5-9, 2000.

Christian Abnet, Sanford Dawsey, You-Lin Qiao, Craig Borkowf, Paul Albert, Steven Mark, Elaine Wang, Alfred Merrill, Jr., Zhi-Wei Dong and Philip Taylor. Fumonisin exposure and risk of esophageal cancer in Linxian, China.
乔友林, 赵方辉, 章文华, 戎寿德, 李凌, 潘秦镜,,吴令英, 李爱玲, 张荀, 任生达, A.Lorincz, 山西襄垣妇女人乳头瘤病毒感染状况与宫颈癌危险性的研究. 2000 全国肿瘤学术大会,北京,2000年,十月九日- 十二日 公卫人
乔友林, 章文华, 李凌, 潘秦镜, 杨玲, 吴令英, 戎寿德,李爱玲, 张荀, 任生达, J Belinson 山西子宫颈癌筛查方法的横断面比较研究,. 2000 全国肿瘤学术大会,北京,2000年,十月九日- 十二日 



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