Founded in 1963, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a forward looking comprehensive research university with a global vision and a mission to combine tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West. CUHK teachers and students hail from all corners of the world. We have over 20,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, of whom 3,000 come from regions outside Hong Kong. CUHK graduates are connected worldwide through an expansive alumni network.
Teaching Excellence
As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. The education experience here is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system,a college system, bilingualism and multiculturalism. There are general education courses to broaden students’ perspectives and develop in them the ability to face the challenges of contemporary society. Our eight Faculties offer a wide array of excellent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Research Achievements
CUHK undertakes a wide range of research programmes in many subject areas, and strives to provide scope for all academic staff to undertake consultancy and collaborative projects with industry. The University’s insistence on the highest standards of research has won it an enviable research reputation. Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) provides preferential grant funding to the local tertiary institutions to conduct research into 15 selected Areas of Excellence (AoEs). Six of these AoEs are being led by researchers from CUHK. The University houses two state key laboratories which are entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to produce research of international quality and carry out important national research tasks. The University also has an excellent record of published research, both in discipline-specific journals and in more high-profile publications such as Science, Nature, and The Lancet.
Unique College System
Of all Hong Kong universities, CUHK is the only one that offers a college experience. Our constituent Colleges, Chung Chi, New Asia, United and Shaw, complement the formal curricula to deliver whole-person education and pastoral care. The college system encourages intimate interaction among teachers, students and alumni. Our five new Colleges, Morningside College, S.H. Ho College, C.W. Chu College, Wu Yee Sun College and Lee Woo Sing College will further enhance diversity and add colour to university life.
Campus Environment
Our beautiful 134-hectare campus overlooking Tolo Harbour is the largest and greenest in Hong Kong. It houses a range of facilities essential for an all-round campus experience, such as world-class libraries, art museums, music halls, swimming pool, sports fields, tennis courts, squash courts, water sports centre and gymnasiums. 公卫论坛
中大是香港乃至亚洲首屈一指的大学,本校的宗旨是培育既具专精知识又有处世智慧的人才,本校特色包括灵活学分制、书院制、中英兼重和多元文化;并特设通识教育,以拓宽学生视野,及培养综合思考能力,使学生在瞬息万变的现代社会中,能内省外顾,成为出色的领袖人才,贡献社会。中大的八个学院提供林林总总的本科和研究院课程。 公卫考场
香港中文大学研究项目包罗万象,遍及各个学科。校方又予教员自由为业界提供顾问服务或与之协作之便。在严格的自我要求下,大学的研究一直保持上乘水准,享誉日隆。香港大学教育资助委员会(教资会)选定了十五个卓越学科领域,集中资源资助本地大学进行研究,其中六个由中大学者负责。现时中文大学有两间由中国科学技术部批准成立的国家重点实验室,具备国际一流水平的研究能力,完成国家交付的科研重任。在发表研究成果方面,中大的成绩粲然可观。无论在专门领域的学报,还是一般人耳熟能详的期刊,如《自然》、《科学》、《刺针》,都可见中大学人的文章。 公卫家园
中大校园面积一百三十四公顷,俯瞰吐露港,是全港最宽广、最绿意盎然的校园。为满足学习与生活所需,校内有齐备的设施 ,包括一流的图书馆,另有文物馆、音乐厅、游泳池、运动场、网球场、壁球场、水上活动中心和健身室等。
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