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The following is a brief reverse history of evolution of SAS/CONNECT Software to give you an understanding of how SAS/CONNECT can be used to address performance through scalability and reduce the time to solution of long running applications.

In SAS 9, the MP CONNECT feature of SAS/CONNECT has been enhanced with a new piping capability which allows overlapped execution of SAS data steps and/or certain SAS procedures. With this new support of pipeline parallelism, it is possible to feed the output of one SAS data step or procedure as input into the next SAS data step or procedure for overlapped execution. The net result is a reduction in the elapsed time necessary to complete the entire application. 公卫考场

The MP CONNECT feature was introduced in SAS 8 to provide scalability and parallel processing capabilities. MP CONNECT enables you to overcome the limitations of a single threaded SAS 8 system and to multiply the scalability of a threaded SAS 9 system by allowing you to spawn multiple SAS sessions to run in parallel, each performing a portion of a larger application. One of the strongest features of MP CONNECT is its ability to not only 公卫百科

scale up to take advantage of SMP hardware
but to also
scale out and take advantage of an unlimited number of workstations across a network.
MP CONNECT: Increase processing power is a SAS.COM article that describes how to use MP CONNECT to process huge amounts of data faster in order to make timely business decisions.


Prior to SAS 8 the focus of SAS/CONNECT was as a client/server toolset providing connectivity between all of the hardware platforms and releases of SAS Software throughout your organization. This toolset enables you to move data and SAS processing to the most appropriate platform in order to maximize use of your computing resources and to manage your distributed SAS applications. 公卫论坛

We at SAS have created the Scalability Community to make you aware of the connectivity and scalability features and enhancements that you can leverage for your SAS installation. The success of this community depends on you. Send electronic mail to scalability@sas.com with your comments, requirements, and suggestions.





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