Statistics For People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics
Product Details
Paperback: 424 pages 公卫人
Publisher: Sage Publications, Inc; 2nd edition (December 16, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 076192776X
ISBN-13: 978-0761927761
Product Dimensions: 10 x 6.9 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds
Product Description
The bestselling text Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics teaches an often intimidating and difficult subject in a way that is informative, personable, and clear. Researchers and students who find themselves uncomfortable with the analysis portion of their work will appreciate this book’s unhurried pace and thorough, friendly presentation. 公卫百科
Salkind takes students through various statistical procedures, beginning with correlations and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance. In addition, there is coverage of SPSS (and data sets for hands-on experience), and a review of more advanced statistical techniques, such as reliability, validity, introductory non-parametric statistics, and more. Pedagogical features include sidebars offering additional technical information about the topic and set-off points that reinforce major themes. Finally, questions to chapter exercises and a complete glossary are located at the back of the book.
"I liked its humorous approach, which indeed helps to reduce statistical anxiety. The design of the book is inviting and relaxing, which is a plus. The writing style is great and the presentation is appropriate for my students. A fun and well-written book, it is easy to read and use, and presents statistics in a user-friendly way. I would recommend it for sure." -- Dr. Minjuan Wang "Salkind's book is in a class by itself. It is easily the best book of its kind that I have come across. I enthusiastically recommend it for any one interested in the subject, and even (and especially) for those who aren't!" -- Russ Shafer-Landau "Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics really makes students learn and enjoy statistics and research in general. Students especially like the Ten Commandments and Internet sites." -- Valerie Janesick "Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics is definitely the right book for people who have to overcome that familiar anxious feeling when opening a standard statistics book and who having finally managed to do so are still not able to make much sense of it all. The book by Salkind is easy and pleasant to read and one that hardly needs any pre-knowledge of the field to be able to follow the author's train of thoughts. Salkind has managed to bring statistics home to people who hate statistics or thought they did." -- Dr. Andrea Winkler Statistical Methods in Medical Research
公卫论坛 "I liked its humorous approach, which indeed helps to reduce statistical anxiety. The design of the book is inviting and relaxing, which is a plus. The writing style is great and the presentation is appropriate for my students. A fun and well-written book, it is easy to read and use, and presents statistics in a user-friendly way. I would recommend it for sure." (Dr. Minjuan Wang ) 公卫家园
“Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics is definitely the right book for people who have to overcome that familiar anxious feeling when opening a standard statistics book and who having finally managed to do so are still not able to make much sense of it all. The book by Salkind is easy and pleasant to read and one that hardly needs any pre-knowledge of the field to be able to follow the author’s train of thoughts. Salkind has managed to bring statistics home to people who hate statistics or thought they did.” (Dr. Andrea Winkler Statistical Methods in Medical Research )
“Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics really makes students learn and enjoy statistics and research in general. Students especially like the Ten Commandments and Internet sites.” (Valerie Janesick )
“Salkind’s book is in a class by itself. It is easily the best book of its kind that I have come across. I enthusiastically recommend it for any one interested in the subject, and even (and especially) for those who aren’t!” (Russ Shafer-Landau )
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