Modern Epidemiology, 3rd Edition
Authors: Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
with 19 contributors
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins
Copyright: 2008
ISBN-10: 0-7817-5564-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-7817-5564-1
Pages: 851; hardcover
Price: $86.00 公卫人
The thoroughly revised and updated Third Edition of the acclaimed Modern Epidemiology reflects both the conceptual development of this evolving science and the increasingly focal role that epidemiology plays in dealing with public health and medical problems. Coauthored by three leading epidemiologists, with sixteen additional contributors, this Third Edition is the most comprehensive and cohesive text on the principles and methods of epidemiologic research. The book covers a broad range of concepts and methods, such as basic measures of disease frequency and associations, study design,field methods, threats to validity, and assessing precision. It also covers advanced topics in data analysis such as Bayesian analysis, bias analysis, and hierarchical regression. Chapters examine specific areas of research such as disease surveillance, ecologic studies, social epidemiology, infectious disease epidemiology, genetic and molecular epidemiology, nutritional epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, reproductive epidemiology, and clinical epidemiology. "Doody's Core Titles™ 2009."
The third edition updates the second (published in 1998) to include coverage of new methods being applied in epidemiology in this century. Among these new methods are the following: Bayesian analysis of tables, risk/policy analysis, the use of secondary data sources such as registry databases, and statistical genetics.
1 Introduction
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
Section I: Basic Concepts
2 Causation and Causal Inference
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, Charles Poole, and Timothy L. Lash 公卫家园
3 Measures of Occurrence
Sander Greenland and Kenneth J. Rothman
4 Measures of Effect and Measures of Association
Sander Greenland, Kenneth J. Rothman, and Timothy L. Lash
5 Concepts of Interaction
Sander Greenland, Timothy L. Lash, and Kenneth J. Rothman 公卫百科
Section II: Study Design and Conduct
6 Types of Epidemiologic Studies
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
7 Cohort Studies
Kenneth J. Rothman and Sander Greenland
8 Case–Control Studies
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash 公卫百科
9 Validity in Epidemiologic Studies
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
10 Precision and Statistics in Epidemiologic Studies
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
11 Design Strategies to Improve Study Accuracy
Kenneth J. Rothman, Sander Greenland, and Timothy L. Lash
12 Causal Diagrams
M. Maria Glymour and Sander Greenland
Section III: Data Analysis
13 Fundamentals of Epidemiologic Data Analysis
Sander Greenland and Kenneth J. Rothman
14 Introduction to Categorical Statistics
Sander Greenland and Kenneth J. Rothman
15 Introduction to Stratified Analysis
Sander Greenland and Kenneth J. Rothman
16 Applications of Stratified Analysis Methods
Sander Greenland
17 Analysis of Polytomous Exposures and Outcomes
Sander Greenland 公卫家园
18 Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
Sander Greenland
19 Bias Analysis
Sander Greenland and Timothy L. Lash
20 Introduction to Regression Models
Sander Greenland
21 Introduction to Regression Modeling
Sander Greenland
Section IV: Special Topics
22 Surveillance
James W. Buehler
23 Using Secondary Data
Jørn Olsen
24 Field Methods in Epidemiology
Patricia Hartge and Jack Cahill
25 Ecologic Studies
Hal Morgenstern
26 Social Epidemiology
Jay S. Kaufman
27 Infectious Disease Epidemiology 公卫论坛
C. Robert Horsburgh Jr. and Barbara E. Mahon
28 Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology
Muin J. Khoury, Robert Millikan, and Marta Gwinn
29 Nutritional Epidemiology
Walter C. Willett
30 Environmental Epidemiology
Irva Hertz-Picciotto
31 Methodologic Issues in Reproductive Epidemiology
Clarice R. Weinberg and Allen J. Wilcox
32 Clinical Epidemiology
Noel S. Weiss
33 Meta-Analysis
Sander Greenland and Keith O'Rourke
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