李凭建,1976年上海医科大学药学院药化专业毕业后留校任教,现为劳动卫生教研室主任技师, 中国微量元素学会理事。1997年和1999年曾两次赴瑞典UMEA大学进修。多年来从事“各种微量元素测定分析”等研究,负责完成了尿钒、尿钴和尿砷的石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法规范化研究等课题,参与微量元素与肝癌、铅对生殖系统影响、镉的环境流行病学调查及銅与人体健康阈限值研究等国内外课题。其中“工业铅中毒研究” 获卫生部科技成果甲等奖;“鎘人体健康效应的危险度评价”分别获教育部和中华医学科技进步二等奖。在国内外期刊发表论文40余篇,参与编写公共卫生硕士教材《卫生检验基础》等。 Pingjian Li, graduated from the School of Pharmacy of Shanghai Medical University in 1976 and has been working for the University since then. Now she is the chief technician of the Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine of Fudan University and a board member of Chinese Society of Trace Element. In 1997 and in 1998 she twice visited UMEA University in Sweden as a scholar and for research collaboration. She has been specialized in the area of trace element analysis for long time and as a PI finished a number of research projects, for example Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for determination of urine vanadium, urine cobalt and urine arsenic. Also she has participated in several Chinese and international research projects such as the effect of trace elements on liver cancer, the effect of lead on reproductive system, the environmental epidemiology of cadmium, and the relationship between copper and human health threshold value. Among which the project “Study on Industrial Lead Poisoning” was honored the first class science award of Ministry of Health; and the project “Risk Factor Evaluation of the Effect of Cadmium on Human Health” was honored the second class science award of Ministry of Education and Chinese Medical Association. She has published more than 40 papers on Chinese and international journals and was one of the coauthors for the textbook “Basic Health Analysis” for master course of public health major. 公卫家园
Email:Pjli@shmu.edu.cn 公卫百科
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