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教授 中山大学公共卫生学院流行病学系





  • 博士,香港中文大学公共卫生学院,公共卫生
  • 硕士,中国疾病预防控制中心,流行病与卫生统计学
  • 学士,山东大学公共卫生学院,预防医学



  • 2021.02-至今,中山大学公共卫生学院, 教授、博士生导师;
  • 2017.11-2021.02,中山大学公共卫生学院, 副教授、博士生导师;
  • 2015.12-2016.12,美国圣路易斯大学,访问学者;
  • 2012.11-2017.11,广东省公共卫生研究院,环境与健康研究室负责人, 副主任医师;
  • 2011.10-2012.10,香港中文大学公共卫生学院, 博士后;
  • 2007.7-2008.9,深圳出入境检验检疫局, 国际旅行卫生保健中心


学术简历 公卫论坛

林华亮,教授、博士生导师。2017年以中山大学百人计划青年杰出人才引进进入中山大学公共卫生学院工作,获得广东省杰出青年医学人才称号。长期从事环境因素(室内外空气污染、气候变化)对居民健康短期急性和长期慢性影响的流行病学及其疾病负担研究,特别是对颗粒污染物的粒径大小、化学组分和污染来源的健康效应进行了系统的分析,并提出了制修订空气污染标准的新方法。主持国家自然科学基金3项。担任BMC Public Health杂志副主编。发表SCI文章100余篇,其中第一/通讯作者60余篇;4篇为ESI高被引论文(Top1%),文章被引用(Google Scholar)超过5000次,H-Index达到39。获得国家发明专利授权1项。主编英文专著1部。


社会兼职 公卫考场

  • 中华预防医学会环境卫生学委员会委员
  • 中华预防医学会全球健康委员会青年委员
  • 中华预防医学会媒介生物学及控制委员会委员
  • 广东省预防医学会流行病学青年委员会副主任委员
  • 广东省精准医学应用学会脑卒中分会副主任委员
  • BMC Public Health杂志副主编
  • 华南预防医学杂志编委
  • 香港大学荣誉助理教授
  • 呼吸疾病国家重点实验室创办的“SEE 讲坛”特邀讲师 公卫家园

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81972993,孕期细颗粒物暴露对新生儿早产风险的影响及胎盘外泌体介导的miRNA-21和miRNA-200a对其调控机制研究,2020/01–2023/12,主持;
  2. 国家自然科学基金新冠肺炎专项项目,82041021,人口流动及其干预措施对新冠肺炎在湖北省内和跨省传播的驱动作用、机制和影响因素研究,2020/03–2022/3,主持;
  3. 中央高校青年教师重点培育项目,19ykzd16,孕期空气污染暴露与早产的流行病学和机制研究,2019/01–2020/12,主持;
  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81202176,宣威市肺癌的时空演变及其影响因素研究,2013/01–2015/12,主持;
  5. 国家重点研发计划,气候变化健康风险评估、早期信号捕捉及应对策略研究,2018-2023,课题一项目骨干。
  6. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,81273139,粤港两地登革热爆发媒介伊蚊密度阈值研究,2013/01–2016/12,参与;
  7. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,30771873,我国登革热的风险评估研究,2008/01–2008/12,参与。 公卫考场

  1. Qi J, Ruan Z, Qian ZM, Yin P, Yang Y, Acharya BK, Wang L, Lin HL*, Potential gains in life expectancy by attaining daily ambient fine particulate matter pollution standards in mainland China: A modeling study based on nationwide data. PLOS Medicine 2020, 17(1):e1003027 (IF=10.500,ESI高被引文章).
  2. Liu K, Ai S, Song S, Zhu G, Tian F, Li H, Gao Y, Wu Y, Zhang S, Shao Z, Liu Q, Lin HL*, Population movement, city closure in Wuhan and geographical expansion of the 2019-nCoV pneumonia infection in China in January 2020. Clin Infect Dis 2020, 71(16): 2045-2051 (IF=8.313).
  3. Lin HL, Guo Y, Zheng Y, Di Q, Liu T, Xiao J, Li X, Zeng W, Cummings-Vaughn LA, Howard SW, Vaughn MG, Qian Z, Ma W, Wu F, Long-Term Effects of Ambient PM2.5 on Hypertension and Blood Pressure and Attributable Risk Among Older Chinese Adults. Hypertension, 2017. 69(5): 806-812 (IF=7.713).
  4. Lin HL, Guo Y, Di Q, Zheng Y, Kowal P, Xiao J, Liu T, li X, Zeng W, Howard S, Nelson E, Qian Z, Ma W, and Wu F, Ambient PM2.5 and Stroke: Effect Modifiers and Population Attributable Risk in Six Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Stroke, 2017, 48(5):1191 (IF=7.190).
  5. Lin HL, Guo Y, Kowal P, Airhihenbuwa CO, Di Q, Zheng Y, Zhao X, Vaughn MG, Howard S, Schootman M, Salinas-Rodriguez A, Yawson AE, Arokiasamy P, Manrique-Espinoza BS, Biritwum RB, Rule SP, Minicuci N, Naidoo N, Chatterji S, Qian ZM, Ma W, Wu F, Exposure to air pollution and tobacco smoking and their combined effects on depression in six low- and middle-income countries. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 2017. 211(3): 157-162 (IF=7.850).
  6. Wang HL, Sun J, Qian ZM, Gong YQ, Zhong JB, Yang RD, Wan CL, Zhang SQ, Ning DF, Xian H, Chang JJ, Wang CJ, Shacham E, Wang JQ, Lin HL*. Association between Air Pollution and Atopic Dermatitis in Guangzhou, China: Modification by Age and Season. The British Journal of Dermatology, 2020, doi: 10.1111/bjd.19645 (IF=7.000).
  7. Wu R, Ai S, Cai J, Zhang S, Qian Z, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Chen L, Tian F, Li H, Li M, Lin HL*. Predictive model and risk factors for case fatality of COVID-19: a cohort of 21,392 cases in Hubei, China. The Innovation, 2020, 1(2): 100022.
  8. Yang Y, Qi J, Ruan Z, Yin P, Zhang S, Liu J, Liu Y, Li R, Wang L, Lin HL*. Changes in life expectancy of respiratory diseases from attaining daily PM2.5 standard in China: A nationwide observational study. The Innovation, 2020, 1(3): 100064.
  9. Zhang S, Yang Y, Xie X, Li H, Han R, Hou J, Sun J, Qian Z, Wu S, Huang C, Howard SW, Tian F, Deng W, Lin HL*. The effect of temperature on cause-specific mental disorders in three subtropical cities: A case-crossover study in China. Environment International, 2020, 143: 105938 (IF=7.577).
  10. Tian F, Qi J, Wang L, Yin P, Qian Z, Ruan Z, Liu J, Liu Y, McMillin SE, Wang C, Lin HL*, Zhou M*. Differentiating the effects of ambient fine and coarse particles on mortality from cardiopulmonary diseases: A nationwide multicity study. Environment International, 2020, 145: 106096 (IF=7.577).
  11. Liang Z, Yang Y, Qian Z, Ruan Z, Chang J, Vaughn MG, Zhao Q, Lin HL*, Ambient PM2.5 and birth outcomes: Estimating the association and attributable risk using a birth cohort study in nine Chinese cities. Environment International, 2019, 126:329-335 (IF=7.577).
  12. Ruan Z, Qian ZM, Xu Y, Wu J, Kan H, Yang Y, Acharya BK, Jiang C, Syberg KM, Iwelunmor J, Ma W, Lin HL*, Applying the concept of "number needed to treat" to the formulation of daily ambient air quality standards. Chemosphere 2019, 222: 665-670 (IF=5.778).
  13. Ai S, Wang C, Qian ZM, Cui Y, Liu Y, Acharya BK, Sun X, Hinyard L, Jansson DR, Qin L, Lin HL*, Hourly associations between ambient air pollution and emergency ambulance calls in one central Chinese city: Implications for hourly air quality standards. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 696:133956 (IF=6.551).
  14. Zhang L, Yang Y, Li Y, Qian ZM, Xiao W, Wang X, Rolling CA, Liu E, Xiao J, Zeng W, Liu T, Li X, Yao Z, Wang H, Ma W, Lin HL*, Short-term and long-term effects of PM2.5 on acute nasopharyngitis in 10 communities of Guangdong, China. Science of The Total Environment 2019, 688:136-142 (IF=6.551).
  15. Lin HL, Guo Y, Zheng Y, Zhao X, Cao Z, Rigdon SE, Xian H, Li X, Liu T, Xiao J, Zeng W, Weaver NL, Qian Z, Ma W, Wu F, Exposure to ambient PM2.5 associated with overall and domain-specific disability among adults in six low- and middle-income countries. Environment International, 2017. 104: 69-75 (IF=7.577).
  16. Lin HL, Qian Z, Guo Y, Zheng Y, Ai S, Hang J, Wang X, Zhang L, Liu T, Guan W, Li X, Xiao J, Zeng W, Xian H, Howard SW, Ma W, Wu F. The attributable risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to ambient fine particulate pollution among older adults.Environment International, 2018, 113: 143-148 (IF=7.577).
  17. Lin HL, Wang X, Qian Z, Guo S, Yao Z, Vaughn M G, Dong G, Liu T, Xiao J, Li X, Zeng W, Xu Y, and Ma W, Daily exceedance concentration hours: A novel indicator to measure acute cardiovascular effects of PM2.5 in six Chinese subtropical cities. Environment International, 2018. 111:117-123 (IF=7.577).
  18. Salinas-Rodríguez A, Fernández-Niño JA, Manrique-Espinoza B, Moreno-Banda GL, Sosa-Ortiz AL, Qian Z and Lin HL*. Exposure to ambient PM2.5 concentrations and cognitive function among older Mexican adults. Environment International, 2018. 117: 1-9 (IF=7.577).
  19. Lin HL, Liu T, Xiao J, Zeng W, Li X, Guo L, Zhang Y, Xu Y, Tao J, Xian H, Syberg KM, Qian Z, Ma W. Mortality burden of ambient fine particulate air pollution in six Chinese cities: Results from the Pearl River Delta study. Environment International. 2016. 96:91-97 (IF=7.577).
  20. Wu H, Li Z, Yu X, Zeng Q, Lin J, Chen Y, Ai S, Guo P, Lin HL*. Empirical dynamic modeling reveals climatic drivers in dynamics of bacillary dysentery epidemics in China. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, 15(12): 124054 (IF=6.096).
  21. Yang Y, Lin Q, Liang Y, Ruan Z, Qian Z, Syberg KM, Howard SW, Wang C, Acharya BK, Zhang Q, Ge H, Wu X, Li K, Guo X, Lin HL*. The mediation effect of maternal glucose on the association between ambient air pollution and birth weight in Foshan, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 266: 115128 (IF=6.792).
  22. Yang Y, Lin Q, Liang Y, Ruan Z, Acharya BK, Zhang S, Qian Z, McMillin SE, Hinyard L, Sun J, Wang C, Ge H, Wu X, Guo X, Lin HL*. Maternal air pollution exposure associated with risk of congenital heart defect in pre-pregnancy overweighted women. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 712: 136470 (IF=6.551).
  23. Lin HL, Tao J, Du Y, Liu T, Qian Z, Tian L, Di Q, Rutherford S, Guo L, Zeng W, Xiao J, Li X, He Z, Xu Y, Ma W. Particle size and chemical constituents of ambient particulate pollution associated with cardiovascular mortality in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 2016; 208:7 58-766 (IF=6.792).
  24. Wang X, Zhang L, Yao Z, Ai S, Qian Z, Wang H, BeLue R, Liu T, Xiao J, Li X, Zeng W, Ma W, Lin HL*. Ambient coarse particulate pollution and mortality in three Chinese cities: Association and attributable mortality burden. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 628–629:1037-1042 (IF=6.551).
  25. Wang X, Qian Z, Wang X, Hong H, Yang Y, Xu Y, Xu X, Yao Z, Zhang L, Rolling CA, Schootman M, Liu T, Xiao J, Li X, Zeng W, Ma W and Lin HL*. Estimating the acute effects of fine and coarse particle pollution on stroke mortality of in six Chinese subtropical cities. Environmental Pollution, 2018. 239: 812-817 (IF=6.792).
  26. Lin HL, Guo Y, Di Q, Zheng Y, Xian H, Li X, Liu T, Xiao J, Zeng W, Howard S, Vaughn M, Qian Z, Ma W, Wu F. Consumption of fruit and vegetables might mitigate the adverse effects of ambient PM2.5 on lung function among adults. Environmental Research. 2017. 160: 77-82 (IF=5.715) (IF=5.715).
  27. Lin HL, Ma W, Qiu H, Wang X, Trevathan E, Yao Z, Dong G-H, Vaughn M G, Qian Z, and Tian L, Using daily excessive concentration hours to explore the short-term mortality effects of ambient PM2.5 in Hong Kong. Environmental Pollution, 2017. 229: 896-901 (IF=6.792).
  28. Ruan Z, Qian Z, Xu Y, Yang Y, Zhang S, Hang J, Howard S, Acharya BK, Jansson DR, Li H, Sun X, Xu X, Lin HL*. How longer can people live by achieving the daily ambient fine particulate pollution standards in the Pearl River Delta region, China? Chemosphere, 2020, 254: 126853 (IF=5.778).
  29. Lin HL, Liu T, Fang F, Xiao J, Zeng W, Li X, Guo L, Tian L, Schootman M, Stamatakis KA, Qian Z, Ma W. Mortality benefits of vigorous air quality improvement interventions during the periods of APEC Blue and Parade Blue in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution. 2016. 220:222–227 (IF=6.792).
  30. Lin HL, Ma W, Qiu H, Vaughn MG, Nelson EJ, Qian Z, Tian L. Is standard deviation of daily PM2.5 concentration associated with respiratory mortality? Environmental Pollution. 2016, 216: 208-214 (IF=6.792).


研究生与博士后培养、专职科研人员招聘 公卫考场

  1. 硕士研究生(方向:流行病学)
  2. 博士研究生(方向:流行病学)
  3. 博士后名额不限(方向:流行病学、环境流行病学或相关学科)
  4. 特聘研究员或副研究员 3-4名(方向:流行病学、环境流行病学或相关学科)







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