玉崧成(1983-),博士,男,汉族,讲师,硕士研究生导师,中国共产党员。 公卫考场
从2009年起至今,在郑州大学公共卫生学院卫生化学教研室工作,主要从事的研究领域为高通量快速检测技术的开发及其在营养与食品卫生领域的应用。 公卫百科
主持国家自然科学基金1项,作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金2项,获得国家授权发明专利3项,在Food Chemistry、Food Control、Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy、Nutrition Research、Journal of Diabetes and its Complications等国际期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。
代表作一览: 公卫人
1. Yu, S., X. Li, X. Liu, Y. Wang, F. Yu, Y. Xue, Z. Mao, C. Wang, and W. Li. Characteristic and influencing factors of Taqman genotyping calling error.Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 2018: e22613.
2. Yu, S.C., X. Li, Y. Wang, Z.X. Mao, C.J. Wang, Y. Ba, and W.J. Li. Maternal transmission disequilibrium of rs2248359 in type 2 diabetes mellitus families and its association with vitamin D level in offspring. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8: 1345. 公卫家园
3. Yu, S.C., Y. Wang, X. Li, Z.X. Mao, F. Yu, L. Wang, Y. Ba, C.J. Wang, and W.J. Li. Methylation in 3 ' near region of GC gene and its association with the level of vitamin D binding protein and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutrition Research, 2018; 54: 52-59. 公卫考场
4. Yu, S.C., Z. Yan, F.F. Feng, J. Ni, W. Wang, K. Nabie, Y.G. Zhang, L.B. Qu, and Y.J. Wu. NF-E2-related factor 2 serves a key function in resistance to malignant transformation of BEAS-2B cells induced by coal tar pitch. Oncology Letters, 2018; 15(4): 5143-5148. 公卫家园
5. Yu, S.C., X. Li, Y. Wang, Z.X. Mao, C.J. Wang, Y. Ba, and W.J. Li. Transmission disequilibrium of rs4809957 in type 2 diabetes mellitus families and its association with vitamin D deficiency: A family-based case-control study.Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications, 2018; 32(4): 406-410.
6. Liu, X.T., S.C. Yu, Z.X. Mao, Y.Q. Li, H.Q. Zhang, K.L. Yang, H.L. Zhang, R.H. Liu, X.L. Qian, L.L. Li, R.H. Bie, and C.J. Wang. Dyslipidemia prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and risk factors in Chinese rural population: the Henan rural cohort study. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2018; 17(1): 119.
7. Yu, S.C., Y. Wang, X. Li, F. Yu, and W.J. Li. The factors affecting the reproducibility of micro-volume DNA mass quantification in Nanodrop 2000.Optik, 2017; 145: 555-560.
8. Yu, S.C., F. Yu, Y.P. Li, L. Liu, H.Q. Zhang, L.B. Qu, and Y.J. Wu. Magnetic nanoparticles replacing microplate as immobile phase could greatly improve the sensitivity of chemiluminescence enzymatic immunoassay for deoxynivalenol.Food Control, 2016; 60: 500-504. 公卫家园
9. Yu, S.C., F. Yu, L. Liu, H.Q. Zhang, Z.Z. Zhang, L.B. Qu, and Y.J. Wu. Which one of the two common reporter systems is more suitable for chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay: alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase? Luminescence, 2016; 31(3): 888-892. 公卫考场
10. Yu, S.C., F. Yu, H.Q. Zhang, L.B. Qu, and Y.J. Wu. Optimization of condition for conjugation of enrofloxacin to enzymes in chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay. Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014; 127: 47-51.