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Xihong LiuXihong Liu


林希虹/Xihong Lin,教授


Professor of Biostatistics
Harvard University
Field: Mathematics


Dr. Lin’s research interests lie in statistical genetics and genomics. She is interested in development and application of statistical and computational methods for analysis of high-throughput genetic, genomic and ‘omics data in epidemiological, environmental and clinical sciences,  especially genetic and epigenetic epidemiology, genes and environment, and medical genomics. Current research projects include genome-wide array association studies, whole genome sequencing association studies, gene-environment interactions, and genome-wide DNA methylation studies, pathway and network analysis, and integrative genetics and genomics. She currently serves as the coordinating director of the Program of Quantitative Genomics of Harvard School of Public Heath http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/pqg.  Her methodological work is currently supported by the MERIT award from the National Cancer Institute on “Statistical Methods for Correlated and High-Dimensional Biomedical Data,” and the PO1  from the National Cancer Institute on “Statistical Informatics in Cancer Research.” She is the contacting PI for the training grant  entitled Joint training inbiostatistics and computational biology.



1984年 清华大学应用数学系数学学士学位 公卫人
1987-1989年 清华大学应用数学系研究助理
1991年 美国爱荷华大学统计学硕士
1991-1993年 美国华盛顿大学心血管病研究组研究助理
1994年 美国华盛顿大学生物统计系博士 博士生导师:Norman Breslow
2002年 美国密歇根大学生物统计系教授
2005年- 美国哈佛大学生物统计系教授 公卫百科
2008年- 美国哈佛大学公共卫生院数量基因组(Quantitative Genomics)计划副主任(Co-ordinating Director)




2009 Donna J. Brogan Lecture Emory University
2008 Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding University of Alabama
Achievement of a Woman in Statistics at Birmingham 公卫论坛
2008 Nominee for the Everett Mendelsohn Harvard University
Excellence in Mentoring Award
2008 Best Biometrics Paper Award Biometrics and International
Biometrics Society
2007 Taikang Lecture 3rd International Chinese
Mathematical Congress 公卫人
2007 Elected Fellow Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2007 MERIT Award National Cancer Institute
2007 Myra Samels Lecture Purdue University
2006 Elected Member International Statistical Institute
2006 COPSS Presidents’ Award The Committee of Presidents of 公卫百科
(for the outstanding statistician) Statistical Societies (COPSS)
2005 A.M. (Honorary Degree) Harvard University
2005 NSF ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Kansas State University
2005 Special Invited Lecture Institute of Mathematical Statistics


2004 Keynote Speaker IMS New Researcher Conference
2002 Mortimer Spiegelman Award American Public Health Association
(For the Outstanding Biostatistician )
2002 Noether Young Researcher Scholar Award American Statistical Association
2002 Faculty Career Development Award University of Michigan 公卫百科
2000 Elected Fellow American Statistical Association
1998 Excellence in Teaching Award School of Public Health
University of Michigan
1997 First Award National Cancer Institute
1995 Career Development Award for Women Faculty University of Michigan 公卫人
1992 Donovan J. Thompson Award University of Washington




Wu, M. C., Kraft, P., Epstein, M. P.,Taylor, D., M., Chanock, S. J., Hunter, D., J., and Lin, X. (2010) Powerful SNP Set Analysis for Case-Control GenomeWide Association Studies. American Journal of Human Genetics,doi:10.1016/j.ajhg.2010.05.002. 


Wang, L., Rotnitzky, A., Lin, X. (2010) Nonparametric regression with missing outcomes using weighted kernel estimating equations. Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press. 
Wu, M.,C., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., Christiani, D. C., Lin, Sparse linear discriminant analysis for simultaneous gene set/pathway significance test and gene selection. ,Bioinformatics, , 25,1145-1151. 


Pan, W., Zeng, D. and Lin, X. (2009) Semiparametric transition measurement error models for longitudinal data. , Biometrics,, in press. 
Li, Y., Tang, H. and Lin, X. (2009). Covariate measurement error in spatial linear mixed models. Statistica Sinica, in press. 


Li, Y., Lin, X. and Muller, P. (2009) Bayesian inference in semiparametric mixed models for longitudinal data. Biometrics, in press. 
Sanda, M. G., Dunn, R. L., Michalski, J., Sandler, H. M., Northouse, L., Hembroff, L., Lin, X., Greenfield, T., Litwin, M. S., Saigal, C. S., Mahadevan, A., Klein, E., Kibel, A., Pisters, L., Kuban, D., Kaplan, I., Ciezki, J., Shah, N., Wei, J. T. (2008) HRQOL and satisfaction with cancer treatment outcome fromthe perspective of early stage prostate cancer patients and their spouse/partners. New England Journal of Medicine, 358:12, 1250-1261. 


Heist, R., Zhai, R., Liu, G., Zhou, W., Lin, X., Su, L., Asomaning, K., Lynch , T., Wain, J., Christinai, D. (2008). VEGF Polymorphism and Survival in Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 856-862.  公卫家园
Liu, D., Ghosh, D. and Lin, X. (2008) Estimation and Testing for the Effect of a Genetic Pathway on a Disease Outcome Using Logistic Kernel Machine Regression via Logistic Mixed Models. BMC Bioinformatics, 9, 292. SAS code  公卫百科
Kwee, L, Liu, D., Lin, X., Ghosh, D., and Epstein, M. (2008) A powerful and flexible multilocus association test for quantitative traits. American Journal of Human Genetics, 82, 386-397. 
Yu, Z. and Lin, X. (2008) Nonparametric regression using local kernel estimating equations for correlated failure time data. Biometrika, , 95, 123-127.  公卫人
Little, R., Long, Q. and Lin, X. (2008) A comparison of methods for estimating the causal effect of a treatment in randomized clinical trials subject to noncompliance, Biometrics, in press. 
Zeng, D., Lin, D., and Lin, X. (2008) Semiparametric linear transformation models with random effects for clustered time data. Statistica Sinica, 18, 355-377. 

Li, Y., Prentice, R. L. and Lin, X. (2008) Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric normal transformation models for bivariate survival data.Biometrika, 95, 947-960. 
Harezlak, J., Wu, M. C., Wang, M., Schwartzman, A., Christiani, D. C., and Lin, X. (2008) Biomarker discovery for arsenic exposure using functional data analysis and feature learning of mass spectrometry proteomic data. Journal of Proteome Research , 7, 217-224  公卫人
Schipper, M., Taylor, J. and Lin, X. (2008) Generalized monotonic functional mixed models with application to modeling normal tissue complications. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C, 57,149-163.  Edit By Bioon.com



  • PhD Students
    • 2012 Tamar Sofer
    • 2011 Rain Cui
    • 2010 Lee Herbrandson Dicker
    • 2009 Michael Chiao-An Wu
    • 2008 Lu Wang
    • 2006 Honghong Zhou
    • 2006 Zhangsheng Yu
    • 2006 Matthew Jason Schipper
    • 2006 Wen Ye
    • 2005 Qi Long
    • 2005 Dawei Liu
    • 2004 Yisheng Li
    • 2002 Wenquin Pan
    • 2002 Michael Philip Epstein
    • 2002 Wenqin Pan
    • 2000 Jason Allen Roy
    • 1999 Yi Li
    • 1999 Yi Li
    • 1997 Daowen Zhang





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