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With growing presence of global pharmaceutical companies in Shanghai, rapid growth of China pharmaceutical industry, and the increasing trend for out-sourcing of statistical services to China, the number of biostatisticians and the demands for the biostatistics expertise are quickly increasing.

The Shanghai Biostatistics Forum (SBF) is formed to (1) promoting biometrics-related professions in China as international talent forces, (2) enhancing the recognition of professionals in biostatistics, clinical data management and programming, and (3) providing information exchange and networking opportunities.

More specifically, SBF will provide a platform in Shanghai and adjacent areas

To share and exchange information, experiences, and research findings in the biopharmaceutical statistics, clinical data management and programming.

To enhance the communication between the industry, academia, and regulatory authorities. 公卫家园

To promote the globalization, unification and standardization of statistics practice in the pharmaceutical industry.

To provide training and education opportunities for prospective professions.

To promote biostatistics profession from international perspectives.


Organizational Mechanism
The SBF will be run by volunteers, not for profit. At the beginning, there will be no fee for attending the forum. To cover the event cost, the sponsorship (space, material, and refreshment) for the forum is encouraged from interested parties.


The forum will be coordinated by a group of professionals from various institutions. Initially, the following members will be served as coordinators (联络人)。

Professor Jia He, Dept of Health Statistics, Second Military Medical University

Professor Jin Xu, Dept of Statistics and Actuarial Science, East China Normal University

Dr Frank Shen, Roche Inc

Dr William Wang, Merck & Co, Inc

Dr Greg Wei, Pfizer Co

Ms Helen Yin, MacroStat Inc

Dr Weiying Yuan, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Inc

Professor Naiqing Zhao, School of Public Health, Fudan University

Professor Xinsheng Zhang, Dept of Statistics, Fudan University

Dr Zibao Zhang, Excel PharmaStudies Inc
For each event, there will be an institution serving as the host, a coordinator from that institution will be identified to coordinate the logistic of that event. 公卫百科

Forum activities
The SBF will organize routine seminar or local conference, covering a wide range of biostatistical research topics at different development stages of pharmaceutical products including drugs, biologics and medical devices. These activities could include:

 1. Regular seminar series
 2. Ad-hoc social or technical gatherings
 3. Conferences
 4. Training courses
 5. Software demonstration
 6. A web-site with bulletin board or listing-server for announcement and information exchange. 公卫家园
Tentatively, we plan to have event every quarter. Ideally there should be a theme at a given event, all presentations in that event should be related to the theme. At the beginning of the SBF, a web site hosted by the Secondary Military Medical University will be used for announcement and communication.

The preferred language for the forum activities will be English.


As the founding coordinators (发起联络人) for the forum, Dr William Wang and Professor Naiqing Zhao will be the central contacts for information inquiry about SBF. Their contact information are: William Wang (william_wang@merck.com, office: 86-21-63915522 x239), Professor Naiqing Zhao (nqzhao@gmail.com, office: 86-21-54237583).

Information about SBF can also be found at http://stat.smmu.edu.cn/sbf/main.htm .




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