Quintiles Medical Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Quintiles Transnational Corp. helps improve healthcare worldwide by providing a broad range of professional services, information and partnering solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and healthcare industries. Quintiles helps its customers compress the time it takes to bring a drug from discovery through regulatory approval; accelerate the launch of products to peak sales, build effective sales forces and manage product portfolios more efficiently; and achieve strategic and financial objectives by offering tailored alternatives to traditional fee-for-service product development and commercial services agreements. Headquartered near Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Quintiles was founded in 1982 and has more than 16,000 employees and offices in over 50 countries. Quintiles Medical Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Quintiles Transnational Corp. Due to the rapid expansion of our business in China, we are seeking qualified candidates for the positions.
昆泰医药发展公司为美国昆泰公司(Quintiles)的全资子公司。美国昆泰公司是全球医药服务行业的领导者,通过提供创新、优质的专业技术、市场信息和合作方案,适应临床医药、生物科技,医疗卫生事业的需要,提高世界医疗水平。昆泰公司为多个医疗领域提供专业服务,服务范围涵盖中枢神经系统、肿瘤治疗、心血管疾病、血栓病、呼吸道疾病、泌尿系统疾病、自体免疫疾病,内分泌疾病和各类感染性疾病等。昆泰帮助完成了全球最畅销30种药品及最畅销9种生物制剂的研发或者商业化工作,为提高全人类的健康水平作出了贡献。 公卫人
昆泰拥有超过20,000位专业人士,在53个国家设有办事处。 公卫论坛
昆泰大中华区始于1997年,目前在北京、上海、香港设立分公司(办事处)。向客户提供临床研究、中心实验室、数据统计等多项专业服务。 公卫论坛
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