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Modern toxicology:toxicology is the study of nature and mechanisms of toxic effects of exogenous agents on living organisms and other biological systems,it also deals with quantitative assessment of toxic effects in relation to the level,duration,frequency of exposure of the organisms. 公卫人

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms. A toxicologist is trained to examine the nature of those effects (including their cellular, biochemical, and molecular
mechanisms of action) and assess the probability of their occurrence. Thus, the principles of toxicology are integral to the proper use of science in the process commonly called risk assessment, where quantitative estimates are made of the potential effects on human health and environmental significance of various types of chemical exposures (e.g., pesticide residues on food, contaminants in drinking water). The variety of potential adverse effects and the diversity of chemicals in the environment make toxicology a very broad science. Therefore, toxicologists often specialize in one area of toxicology.


Different Areas of Toxicology
The professional activities of toxicologists fall into three main categories: descriptive, mechanistic, and regulatory.




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