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Injury prevention center of shantou university medical college

 Injury Prevention Research Center Medical College of Shantou University 公卫考场


The center of injury preventive research of medical college, Shantou university were established on Sep,1999. It is the first injury research institution, consisting of multidisciplinary professionals ( such as public health discipline, forensic medicine, psychology, medical statistics, sociology, et al). Professor Xu Xiaohu, principal of Shantou university, PhD supervisor hold the post of honorary director of it. Professor Li Liping , associate director ,takes charge of injury research center. Prof.. Xu devotes to the early diagnosis and identification of injury. He conducts deep research on injury judge and convalescence of injury cases. Prof. Li is engaged in injury preventive research in nearly 10 years and establishes close corporation with local health bureau, hospital, school and traffic management. Visiting professor Chenbin dedicates to long-term teaching and scientific research of medical statistics and raised 18 new statistics methods for the first time in China and abroad, solving a lot of practical issues of scientific research. Other professionals conduct the community field investigation, study of group health effect and possess abundant practical experience of field investigation. Since the center of injury preventive research was set up, it firstly carried out the more 8-yeared surveillance in injury emergency office and systemic study on the injury occurrence and risk factors of infant, children and epidemiology feature and risk factors of mobile injury. As far, more 60 papers associated with injury preventive research are published and exchanged in the international conference, such as 5th global injury prevent and control session, 9th international public health union conference et al. Since 2001, national continuing medical education program was hosted and cultivated more 1000 above middle-leveled professionals under being applied and approved. In recent years , 9 scientific research programs were applied and undertaken, including 2 surface projects of the National Natural Science Foundation and 3 international cooperation projects, 1 major participants cooperation project of the National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Technology, respectively. Since the injury preventive research center was established, it obtained 3 provincial science and technology achievement awards and 4 municipal science and technology achievement awards. In addition, the injury preventive research center carries out social welfare work, such as social community advisory, propaganda and education of injury prevent, et al.




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