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该分类下有88个词条 创建该分类下的词条 "SAS" 分类下的词条

SAS Cards Statement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1356次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:37

摘要: The cards statement specifies that the values of the variables appearing in the input statement are t[阅读全文:]

SAS Data Catalogs
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1489次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:36

摘要: SAS data sets are stored on disk in groups called a data catalog or library. When a data set is creat[阅读全文:]

SAS Character Variables
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1013次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:36

摘要: A character variable takes values which consists of letters or words. Numeric variables take number v[阅读全文:]

SAS Command Prompt
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1190次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:36

摘要: The command prompt can be used to issue commands to the underlying operating system, via the X comman[阅读全文:]

SAS Continue Statement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:847次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:35

摘要: The continue statement can be used in a do loop to branch to the bottom of the inner most enclosing d[阅读全文:]

SAS Data Statement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1001次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:35

摘要: The data statement is the first line of a SAS data step program. The data statement is used to give a[阅读全文:]

SAS Data Step
编辑:0次 | 浏览:941次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:34

摘要: SAS programs consist of two parts. The datastep is the part in which raw data is put into a SAS data[阅读全文:]

SAS Display Manager Statement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:998次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:33

摘要: The display manager governs the appearance of the screen during a SAS session. The display manager is[阅读全文:]

SAS Do Loops
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1936次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:33

摘要: Do-loops are used to repeat a sequence of operations. Here is an example. Each row of data in the fil[阅读全文:]

SAS Drop Statement
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1393次 词条创建者:epiman     创建时间:04-04 13:32

摘要: Used in the datastep, the drop statement drops variables from the data set. Example: data score; infi[阅读全文:]